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It was already 12:30 am when Isaac and me had left the police station. He had driven me back to the mall to get Clarissa's car. I had texted her saying that I'd be home a little late. No need to alarm her any further. Roger had texted me a few minutes before leaving the station.

Roger :

Mi princesa, I couldn't stop thinking about you all day. I'm sorry I haven't texted, I've had last minute plans with some friends, I love you mi amor and good night

I looked at the message and sighed happily. Isaac seemed to notice my reaction.

"I'm guessing that's your boyfriend."

"Hmm?…oh y-yeah, that's um Roger."

He stared at me intently; gave a sad smile.

"That Roger guy must be pretty damn lucky to have you."

I looked at him, surprised with his words, then I looked back at the car, opening the driver door. I sat down on the leather seat, and put the key in, the engine started smoothly. Isaac leaned on the door as I rolled the window. I looked at him with admiration.

"Thank you so much for saving me…i couldn't imagine what would've happened if…"

I closed my eyes to restrain the tears from falling down for I knew if a single tear fell down, more would come cascading down my cheeks. Isaac placed his hand on top on mine.

"Don't think about it Chelsea. It's over. No ones going to harm you."

Gently, he grabbed my arm, and with a blue pen, he wrote down his number. The pen tickled as it moved across my skin.

"If you need anything, or just want to talk, I'm just a phone call away."

Then, he kissed my hand and with that he dissapeared under the shadow of the building. I began to drive out of that parking lot and headed towards my college. I went  up the stairs, through the dark hallway and into my room, where I found Clarissa, wrapped in her blanket like a burrito. She snored softly. I changed as silently as possible, grabbed my phone,and I tip toed up the ladders of the bunk bed. The bed made a long creeking noise as I layed down. I looked at my arm, and put Isaac as my new contact. I texted him assuming he was asleep.

Hi Superman, thanks again for what you did for me. I really appreciate it , goodnight. (:

I got an immediate response :

The AT&T subscriber you have tried to reach is not available. For assistance, dial the number……

I didn't read the rest, my heart dropped. Phony number. He seemed to good to be true. Thats when I got another message.

Just kidding Chelsea (: And no need to thank me, its only human to help another human (: Goodnight

I smiled and laughed softly. This guy had a good humor and seemed nice, hopefully we'd become friends. I'd fallen asleep, feeling stronger than ever knowing there were people out there that still had good in there hearts. That this dark world still had a few rays of sunshine left to help the ones who yearned for that touch of light. Isaac was that ray in my dark world.

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