Trips and Tips

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When I woke up the next morning, my neck and back was sore from sleeping in the crammed little sofa.I insisted that Tino slept on his bed. I inhaled the smell of coffee and eggs which made me switch from sleepy to wide awake. I sat up, my butt feeling uncomfortable. I scratched my head then turned to see a girl with tangled hair and smothered make up. She looked worn out and her face seemed as if she had nothing to live for. I realized I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. I turned away feeling hopeless, then sunk back down to my laying position.

"Chessie wake up! I made you some omelets and coffee! I also have some donuts if you want."

I threw my blanket to the side of the couch and stepped on the cold wooden floor. My bare feet dragged upon the floor as I lingered to the kitchen table. A small round cream colored table with four chairs. I hit my toe against the leg of the chair.


"Are you okay?"

"No, my toe is such a slut!"

"Huh, why do you say that?"

"It bangs everything!"

He chortled at my crude rumor and set an omelet and a cup of coffee in front of me. The aroma was comforting and I ate heartily. He sat right in front of me and ate in a classy manner. I heard my phone buzzed so I rushed to get it then sat back on my chair.

Clarissa ✌ :

Hola mana how was the trip?

Chelsea :

Let's just say I'm never coming back here again.

Clarissa ✌ :

That's comforting in a way but what happened amigis?

Chelsea :

I'd rather tell you at home…i really don't want to remember this day.

Clarissa ✌ :


Chelsea :

I promise I'll tell you when I get home today, okay?

Clarissa ✌ :

Ok mana.

Chelsea :

I got to go mana. Text you later..(:

I didn't get a text after saying goodbye. I clutched a chunk of my hair and groaned. What was going on with me? I feel like I'm losing my best friend, I'm losing Isaac, my mom, and Roger as well…

"Hey Chessie…what's wrong?"

"If only you knew Tino…"

"Is it about that son of a-"

"No its not just him..its some other shit going on."

My phone began to buzz once more. My first thought was that Clarissa was calling me. But I looked at the number, it was Isaac. I stood up in a hurry and walked out of the house.

"Excuse me for a sec."

I opened the door, with the sun beaming, and its warmth hugging me. I slid my finger to the right and I answered with mixed emotion.


"Hey Chelsea. How are you?"

Hearing his voice gave me comfort and consoled my soul.

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