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I've always had this theory that if you have a positive attitude despite some unfortunate events, positive things would be attracted in your life. This theory is also know as the Law of Attraction. Up to this point I've had bad and good things happen to me. For example yesterday,  almost getting raped was definitely bad, but on the bright side I got to meet an amazing guy who cared for me since the moment he met me. If that had to happen so I could meet Isaac, then it was totally worth it. At least I'd have someone there for me when I was at my weakest point in my life.

The day went by as usual, tedious classes, loads of homework, and teachers who seemed to love to make our lives miserable. I texted Roger in my classes hoping he'd answer, but he never did.

Chelsea :

Hola amor, how are you?

Babe you busy?

Hey Roger what's up?

Are you mad at me???

Something was definitely wrong. He would never just NOT text me unless it was an emergency. I called him twice but he didn't answer. I decided to go to The Coffee Factory to see if he was there. Roger had slept really late last night so he might've gone there for some coffee. I raced towards my car and drove down there. I started to park my car but I stopped at the scene that I saw. It was Roger, with his arm around a curly-haired brunette girl. I couldn't see her face because they were ordering, but seeing that made my blood boil. I restrained the tears of betrayal and called him. I saw as he looked down at his phone, then put it back in his pocket. I drove out as fast as I could back to my school, ran to my dorm, and locked myself in. I cried, staring at myself in the bathroom mirror, cussing loudly.

"I'm such a fucking idiot!!! How did I not see this?!!"

Even though I was enraged and dissapointed, the fact that I loved him didn't change. Maybe that girl was a really close friend, or maybe that wasn't even Roger. I began to imagine all these scenarios in my head. Roger would never do this to me. He's not like that. I'm the only one he loves. The more I thought of it the more I convinced myself that it was all in my head.

"Just think positive Chels, its all in your head. "

I sighed and decided to text Isaac.

Chelsea :

Hey Isaac its me again. Just wondering what you were doing.


Hi Chelsea I'm just studying for my Medical exam today. Didn't tell you this put I'm trying to get my M.D (:

So Isaac was studying to be a doctor? That explained a lot.

Chelsea :

Wow Dr. Isaac, that's very impressive, I'm studying to be a Pediatrician. Well I'll leave you to your studying. (:

Isaac :

No no no its fine! I just finished studying actually. Would you like to go eat lunch with me today?

Lunch with Isaac? Seemed tempting.

Chelsea :

Sounds like fun! Where do you wanna go to? What time?


Would the lady perhaps like to dine at the oh so elegant Subway6: 50?

I rolled my eyes, and laughed. Already 6:30

Chelsea :

I accept your proposal Mr. Isaac (:

Isaac :

Great!! Hahaha I'll see you in a bit then (:

I rushed to the closet, and tried to find something nice to wear. I slid the shirts, trying to find a non-gothic one. Black. Black. Black. Gray. Black. Black. Navy Blue. Black. Pink?!!! Definitely Clarissa's. Black. Black. Ahhh Black and Gray sleeves. Perfect. I slipped it on and also a pair of skinny jeans. I put on some white converse and applied mascara with a bit of lip gloss on my face. I checked myself in the mirror, I looked better than usual. I plopped inside the car, turned on the Radio and connected my iPhone to the radio and played Let's Cheer to This by Sleeping with Sirens. It was 6:55 already.

"Oh shit!"

I turned the key and the engine started. I turned up the music loud and sang along. By 7:01 I was already at the entrance. I saw Issac waiting in a table, he wore a white tux shirt with a blue tie, much like a lawyer. I went up to the table and he stood up and handed me a single red rose.

"H-hi Chelsea, this is for you."

I smiled and sniffed the rose.

"Aw thank you Isaac, this is so sweet."

He just smiled and stared at me, as if in a trance. Then he snapped out of it.

"Yeah…oh haha um I've seemed to have over dressed for the occasion."

"It seems you have", I replied with a mild laugh.

"Yeah, so do you want to order now?"

"Oh yeah of course."

We got up and got in line to order, he got a sand which with smoked ham, onions, olives, tomatoes, and avocado. I got turkey, lettuce, mayonnaise, and mustard. He grabbed his Doritos and Sprite while I got some Sunchips and Coke. We seemed to be exact opposites, yet we were so compatible.

As we ate, we began to talk about each other. His full name was Isaac Luis Delgado. He was adopted when he was five by a wealthy doctor and a successful lawyer. He was the only child, but he said that he had a younger brother who was only a year younger than him which got adopted by another family. Isaac vowed to himself that he'd find his brother again one day. In the meanwhile he graduated from high school, and at 24 years old he's started working at  his fathers medical office. I also found out he loves basketball, drawing, and singing.

"Sing to me then", I said with a mischevious smile.

He turned bright pink and started to sweat.

"Wait right now? In front of all these people??"

"Yes!! Its not so bad come on! Actually sing to me outside."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out, we sat on the back of his truck, elbow to elbow. As he sang, the words wrapped around me, caressing me.

"I should've bought you flowers, I should've held your hand, give you all my hours, when I had the chance…"

I felt my heart start to pound faster. I looked at him, but this time differently. I saw a boy who's had a hard life but was always optimistic. I saw a guy who loved and appreciated his family, and longed to see his long lost brother. I saw a man, despite being different from me, seemed to have a lot in common with me. I had another theory…opposites attract.

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