1. Kaeya Alberich

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His hand lightly touches your waist as he pushes you a bit to the right. "You're always standing in front of the things I need". Albedo says while he gives you a short soft smile.
Ever since you magically appeared in mondstadt without any memmory of what happened before you set foot in the city of freedom, Albedo has been keeping you company. First it started off with him wanting to test you but over time you two became close. You've never been sure if Albedo sees you as his friend, but regardless of that you call yourself his favorite person. He listens to your endless rants about the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya. He's just so amazing in your eyes. You never shut up about him, even when Kaeya himself is with you. Albedo always calls you lovesick and teases you while you deny that you have any sort of romantic attraction towards Kaeya.
"Shouldn't you be helping Jean?" Albedo says without looking up from his research. You look at the small clock on Albedo's desk. "Shi-", before you could finish Albedo put his hand on your mouth. "What'd I say about bad words". You bite his hand and grab your stuff in a hurry. "Bye Albedo, I'll come annoy you again soon". You give him small hug and then run off to Mondstadt. 
You were supposed to help Jean set up things for Klee's talent contest today, but you were so lost in thoughts that you completely forgot the time.
Klee came to you a few weeks ago saying that she wanted a talent contest so everyone could show off their special talents for a price. At first you were planning on making it a small event with maybe 2 or 3 people so Klee could have fun, but when Jean found out she decided that it would be more fun to make it a big contest. Of course at first you were really excited about it, but that changed as soon as you found out how much work the preperation was. Not only that, Klee wanted you to compete as well. Amber and you found an old guitar in a cave a while ago and you've been making it playable again in your free time. Sometimes Kaeya comes and sings a few songs while you play to make it more fun. He also had the idea of doing a performance together. "You play, I'll sing. I know how much you hate having all the attention on you, so it'll be less scary for your this way" he told you yesterday. You stayed up really late to write a song that you could perform with. It's be nice if people liked it, though you really want Klee to win the contest. 

"I was scared you might not show up" Jean said as you made your way into her office. "I'm so sorry, I was with Albedo and I got distracted and didn't realize what time it was and had to go all the way from Dragonspine to here and-". You get interrupted by a small laugh. "It's completely fine, I had Kaeya help me". Kaeya walks in as soon as she said that. "I heard my name~". He walks up to you two and gently put his hand on your back. "I was just telling y/n that you've helped me a bit, though I would appreciate it if you could help a little longer - I have to give something to Diluc, It'll take at least 30 minutes". "Leave it to me". Kaeya gives her a smile and she leaves to go to Diluc. As soon as Jean is gone you feel Kaeya's hand sliding from your back to your waist as he pulls you closer. His left hand rises and holds your chin lightly. "Missed me?" he said in a flirty tone. You blush a bit and put your arms around him. "Always". you say as you bury your face in his neck.
"I wanted to ask you something, y/n". You look up at him. "What is it?". "We've been kind of close, and well.. I'm not sure if you're just flirting with me as a joke, but...-" He sighs. "Would you like to go on a date with me? I actually really like you". You look at him, a bit speechless. You've never imagened that Kaeya was serious all those times he flirted with you. It always affected you and it made you fall for him, but you never thought he felt the same. Kaeya's face becomes a bit awkward and you realize that you've been staring at him without saying anything for a while now. "Ah- I'm sorry- I didn't realize I was staring at you. But uhm.. Yeah. I'd love to go on a date with you". Kaeya smiles and gives you a small kiss on your cheek.

"Am I interrupting". You turn red and look towards the voice. It's Albedo. "Hello" Kaeya says while slowly letting go of you. Albedo walks past you two and puts something down on Jean's desk. He then grabs you by your hand and pulls you out of Jean's office. "You said you didn't have feelings for Kaeya, no?". You give a short laugh and feel Albedo softly sqeeze your hand. You didn't realize he was still hloding it. "Okay maybe I lied a bit, but it was for a good cause". Albedo sighs, "I see". He lets go of your hand and starts making his way out. "Will I see you tomorrow?" he says at while holding the doorknob, ready to leave. "Of course, how could you ever live without your favorite person for more than 5 minutes, I'd never do that do you" You say dramatically and run towards him. He laughs and lets you hug him before he leaves. Not realizing that smile he had while laughing at your stupidness had easily disappeared, though not for long that is..

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