8. Windwheel

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You practically ran towards the place Albedo told you to go. You felt bad for leaving Windwheel behind, but since Albedo had done it before it should be fine. You slam the door open to Jean's office. She looks up at you and gestures for you to sit down. 
"I think it's best to just go over all of the information we have so far and try to get any possible suspects, as well as a plan for what courses of action we'll take next". Jean locks her gaze on you, "Please go first" she says as she makes a handgesture towards you. You clear your throat and stand up. "Well when I asked Diluc about what happened during his attack he said it felt like the person was holding gloves. He also mentioned that he felt something sharp pressing into him. So our suspect was using a knife or sword or just anything sharp and pointy during the first attack. Though we can't be sure they used to same weapon during the actual murder of Diluc & Kaeya. Nor can we determine that it's one person. When questioning the maid she told me that the suspect had blonde hair and looked masculine. So it's most likely a male. Also- I never mentioned this, but when I was walking back from Dawn Winery I got chased by someone. This could very well be the suspect trying to get rid of me for knowing too much, though I cannot be sure of that. I've been dealing with some personal issues that involve an unidentified stalker. Which means I can't be sure if the murderer is, and, or, was actually after me". You sit back down once done talking and look back at Jean. Jean gives Albedo a quick look and then looks at someone else.

"Please tell us what you know". After mutliple people had given their statement Jean stands up. She thinks for a second and then opens her mouth but closes it again. She looks everyone in their eyes and then opens her mouth to speak again. "So we know the suspect is most likely one person, they have blonde hair, wear gloves and are most likely male. We need extra knights om duty to ensure safety. I'd also like it if someone looked after y/n for the time being, there's a possibility that the murderer is after them and I cannot let another person die under my supervision.  Lastly we will not tell the people of mondstadt about this to avoid fake rumors and to keep everyone calm".
Jean dismisses everyone but Albedo stayed so you decided to wait outside for him. You catch Sucrose walking by and stop her for a quick chat. "Sucrose! How are you?". Because you spent so much time at Albedo's lab all the time, you and Sucrose talked a lot to each other. After talking to her so much as you did, she became less shy and more open. Jean once said you had a strange talent for opening people up. You talk a bit with Sucrose until Albedo comes out and drags you away by your wrist without saying anything to neither you or Sucrose. "I told you not to talk to anyone", Albedo says while still dragging you with him. "But it's Sucrose, she would neve-". You get cut of my Albedo yelling at you, "DAMMIT Y/N IT COULD VERY WELL BE SUCROSE". You stop walking and he let's go of you hand. "I'm sorry y/n.. I just.. I can't let anything happen to you". Albedo looks down and clenches his fists. "Albedo..", you walk up to him and hug him. "Nothing's going to happen to me as long as I'm with you". Albedo sighs and hugs you back. "I'm sorry". "Don't be sorry, I understand why you're acting like this. I'm your favorite person after all".

After a while you and Albedo return to Dragonspine. To your relieve Windwheel is still alive and save. Albedo is doing his usual researching while you just give affection to Windwheel. Now that you have Windwheel, you won't have to annoy Albedo as much. Plus, Windwheel cuddles you all the time unlike Albedo. Every now and then Albedo takes quick looks at you. You got so distracted by Windwheel that you didn't notice Albedo walking up to you. You only realized once he put his hand on your head. "Y/n?". You look at him, waiting for him to say something. "I need you to go get something from Mondstadt for me, I can't go there because I have to keep an eye on my potion. I trust that you'll stay safe as long as you don't talk to anyone. You can take my old sword with you". You put Windwheel down next to you and take Albedo's old sword from him. He gives you a small paper with stuff you need to buy and gives you a hug after you promised that you'd be careful. 

Once you finally arrive in Mondstadt Jean walks up to you. You remember what you promised Albedo, but it's Jean so it should alright. She is the one leading the investigation, so there's no reason to fear her being the murderer. "Hello y'n, do you perhaps know where Albedo is right now?". "Oh he's in Dragonspine in his lab. I'm actually getting him a few things". You smile at her, but she doesn't seems to react. "I see", she says and quickly makes her way towards Dragonspine. You shrug it off, she probably just needs to talk to him about the investigation...right?
You walk a bit further into mondstadt and open the piece of paper Albedo gave to you ealier. You read what's on it, just some basic stuff, nothing to special. But suddenly you pause. You frantically go through your pockets because of a sudden epiphany. You find one of the notes your lovely stalker had left you and open it as fast as you can. Just like you expected... His handwriting...

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