5. Diluc Ragnvindr

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You get up from his desk. "Diluc I can't do this, this is wrong". "Y/n wait-". You walk away before he could say anything else. This whole talking only made you feel worse about last night. You can't believe he has feelings for you. It makes everything that happened with him a lot worse than before. Now it really feels like you cheated on Kaeya. You just needed some time alone, maybe after a few days you and Diluc could talk things out and forget anything happened, but right now it's just a bit too much. You decide to go home and spend the whole day and night sleeping away your feelings. As long as you're not awake to feel sad, you can't be sad.
You wake up to small banging at the door. Without thinking you shoot up and run to the door to open it. "Jean..?" she smiles and you gesture for her to come in. "Hello, sorry to visit this early in the morning but I have some important things to discuss with you". You both sit down on your small sofa, but you immediately stand back up. "Do you want something to drink? Like tea or something?", "Tea will be fine, yes". You get up to the kitchen to make Jean some tea when you find a note. Seems like you forgot to put away the note yesterday. Though you don't really blame yourself, yesterday was hectic. Once finished making tea you walk back over to Jean and sit down, handing her the tea. "I like your pajama pants" Jean says with a soft chuckle. "Ah- T-thanks". You can feel your face going red.
You were in such a hurry to open the door earlier that you totally forgot to change into porper clothes. You softly rub one of the cats that's printed on your pj pants with a soft smile. "So what did you want to discuss?". Jean takes a small sip from her tea and sighs. "Last night Diluc was attacked, we're thinking it was the same person who murdered Kaeya. Though this might be hard, considering you recently lost Kaeya, we require the more 'inteligent' workers under The Knights of Favonius to help us investigate. Seen as this person isn't done attacking and will most likely strike again to either Diluc or someone else, we need you to help us and put all your effort into this. They're willing to do the worst possible to reach their goal and we need to stop them".

You look at Jean, taking in all the information. It'll be so hard on you since you'll have to look into Kaeya's death multiple times, but being able to catch the person who killed your love and bring justice is something you want to reach for. Maybe if you catch him, Kaeya will have peace.
"I'll do it. I'll help". Jean looks at you with a little shock, but her face quickly changes to a warm smile. "Thank you..". She looks back at her tea and finishes it. "I honestly thought I was going to have to do a lot of convincing". You both chuckle and she stands up. "I should gather the other people who'll be helping with this issue. Once you feel like you're ready to come help us, please meet me at dawn winery". Jean makes her leave and your smile drops. "You were so focused on Kaeya that you forgot that you'll have to question Diluc about what he saw yesterday. You get dressed and look at your sword, not sure if you should take it with you. Not like anything bad could happen right? You're just investigating and questioning people. If Jean decides that gaurding places for safety is needed, then you'll bring your sword. With hesitation you make your way over to dawn winery.

Once you're there you see Jean and 3 others arrive. "Y/n! Hey!", you hear one of them say as they wave at you. You smile and wave back, waiting for them to reach you. "Didn't expect you to be here before us" Jean says with a small chuckle. "Neither did I". You all enter together and you walk extra slow so you're in the back. You make your ways into Diluc's office and he looks up from his work. "There you are" he says while looking at everyone. His eyes wander around to see who's here and he accidently makes eye contact with you. He gives you a soft, awkward, smile and turns his attention to Jean. "Is it okay if two of us stay here to ask you questions, while the other two look at the place where it happened?", Diluc nods and Jean takes one of the people with her, leaving you and someone else to do the questioning. "Do you want to start? I'm not sure what I want to ask yet". You look at the person standing next to you. You don't even know their name, so why did Jean leave you alone with them. "Ah- Sure.", You clear your throat and look at Diluc, trying to avoid eye contact. "Well, could you tell us exactly what happened, step by step. Don't rush things, we have all the time in the world, so focus on details". You hated that you said that. You don't want to be here. Not right now. Not after what happened. But you really needed every single detail possible for Kaeya. You're only doing this for him.
"Well I had a guest over yesterday and once they left I thought they were still hanging around in my house. I kept hearing strange sounds coming from my bedroom so I walked in and saw that everything had been turned into a mess. Before I could react someone grabbed my head from my right and pushed it so I couldn't face them. They help something sharp to my back, I'm not sure if it was a knife or a sword, but it was sharp. They laughed a little while pushing the sharp object harder onto me and it pierced my coat", Diluc grabs his coat from the chair in the corner of his office and hands it to you. "Before they could do anything to me one of my maids walked in and they ran off. I'm not sure if she saw him, I haven't been able to ask her yet". "I see", you say as you grip tightly onto his coat.
"Did you see anything of the person that did this to you?" the person next to you asks Diluc. "No, though it did feel like they were wearing gloves when they grabbed my face". You nod and gesture to the person next to you to write it all down. "I'm sorry could you go over all of that again?" the person asks and Diluc nods. "I'll be questioning the maids then" you say and make your way out of his office. You ask one of the maids to bring the one that saw the attacker yesterday to you and you wait for them to come. While waiting you put your hands in your pocket and feel a piece of paper. You grab it and remembered  that you just shoved the note into one of your jackets this morning so you wouldn't have to find it in the kitchen again. You smile slightly and open the small note to read it once more, but to your surprise it says something different than you remember..

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