7. Anemo slime

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When arriving at Albedo's lab you immediately run towards his bed. "Tired much?". You grunt as response and Albedo laughs a little. "Get some sleep, I need to finish some of my research". You get off his bed and grab one of his shirts. You like it whenever you can wear his clothes. They smell like him. There's always that faint hint of chalk in there. Whenever you manage to steal his clothes he gets so confused. He's always asking why you want to sniff his clothes so badly and if it's some strange habit you picked up before you lost your memmory. He just smells really nice. Sometimes when he actually comes to sleep with you, he'll wrap his arms around you while sleeping and won't let go until he wakes up. Though he is a very light sleeper so most of the times before you can change the position you're laying in for a more comfortable cuddle session, he wakes up. Most of the time he just stares at you blankly for a few seconds, apolagizes and turns around. But sometimes (when you have the courage) you'll just hug him regardless and he'll go back to sleep. Though that only happens when he does actually go to sleep. Most of the time he stays up all night to finish some of his research. You always get mad at him for not sleeping, but he'll just distract you with a cool looking flower or something to get you to stop being angry. You lay your head down on one of the pillows on Albedo's bed. He always sleeps with a bunch of pillows. You always thought it's because he likes to hug them at night, which is also the reason he'd hold you while sleeping. But whenever you ask him he blushes and keeps denying it. You slowly close your eyes while drifting away to the smell of Albedo.

Your eyes shoot open to the sound of a loud bang. You look beside you. No Albedo. You slowely get up and quietly walk towards the front of his lab. {I'm not sure if I ever specified this in the story, but I imagine his bed to be kind of shielded away all the way in the back behind a stone wall. That way the cold isn't that bad, ect}. You see some of Albedo's supplies on the ground. He's going to be annoyed by that. Some of it is broken. You hear a soft whimper and turn around. There's an anemo slime hiding behind some of Albedo's scattered stuff. A piece of glass from one of the broken supplies is sticking in it. Normally you don't like slimes, but it seemed to be in pain. Without thinking you rushed towards it and carefully removed the piece of glass. You didn't know if it was still in pain so you picked it up and layed it in your lap. You started softly petting it when you heard footsteps coming your way. "There you are" Albedo says while out of breath. You look up at him with a confused look on your face. "Me?". He shaked his head and softly laughs. "I was researching that slime. I noticed it acted different from the other slimes, but I thought it had ran- well, hopped away". He sits down next to you and gives the slime a small pet. "Can we keep it?". Albedo looks at you, "We?". You look at him with a grin on your face. "Well I basically live here". He sighs and laughs. "Fair enough". You smile and hug the slime. It seems to enjoy your affection. "Its name is Windwheel", Albedo faces you again, "You once mentioned windwheels are your favoruite flowers. The slime reminded me of you, since it constantly needed my attention like you". You give Albedo a small tap on his nose like people do to their dogs. "You should head back to sleep, y/n". "Only if you'll come with me- ...and Windwheel can come as well". Albedo sighs and stands up. He grabs Windwheel and walks away. "You coming?" he says while still walking towards his bed. You smile and run up to them.

You wake up to the smell of food. Albedo doesn't always make breakfast so when he does you get excited. You sit up and see Windwheel sleeping next to you. You gently pet it to make it wake up. It immediately hops over to you for affection. You grab Windwheel and make your way over to Albedo. "Morning" he says without looking at you. "No goodmorning my most favourite person in the whole world please take all my belongings and mora i'm so sorry for breathing the same air as you? Tsk, so rude". Albedo quickly forces his hand in front of your face so you walk into it and basically get slapped. He laughs and you put down Windwheel. "Does it eat anything?". "It doesn't. Though I've noticed that it likes water a lot". You grab some water, put it in a bowl and put it in front of Windwheel. It seems to get excited and jumps into the bowl. You walk over to Albedo to look at what he's making. He turns towards you and gently pushes you to the side by your waist. "You're always in the way of the things I need". He grabs what he needs and adds it to whatever he's making. You haven't figured out what it is yet. 
He turns towards you and puts his arms around you. He burries his face on your neck. You hug him back and smile. "You're so clingy". Albedo has always seemed so touch starved to you. He would randomly be very affectionate towards you whenever you hung out with him. Though recently it seems to be a lot more. You don't really mind, he must've missed being as touchy with you as he was before you and Kaeya were a thing. He doesn't have many close friends or people he can be himself around. It always made you feel very special.

"I didn't want to tell you this at first, bu-", Albedo gets cut off by Jean running into his lab. "Albedo we need your help". She's out of breath and seems worried. "What's wrong Jean?" Albedo says while walking over to her. "Diluc- he... he also got... he..". Albedo looks down. "I see..". Jean falls onto her knees. "If we're unable to figure out who it is then I don't know who else will die. Please help us Albedo". Albedo sighs. "I can help you, but I'll need you to tell me everything you know". Albedo signs to you to give them some privacy, so you grab Windwheel and go for a walk through dragonspine.
After a while you return and see Jean and Albedo make their way towards Mondstadt. You're just in time to stop Albedo. "Y/n, get Windwheel in my lab and meet me at the The Knights of Favonius headquarters, don't go and talk to anyone on your way there. I need you to promise me that, okay? The murderer is someone at The Knights of Favonius..".

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