3. Gone

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You wake up, still feeling down about last night. You turn to your side, Albedo's not there. You sit up and see him going through his potions. He turns his head towards you, "Headache" he says and continues looking through his stuff until he finds a certain potion and drinks it. "Do you remember anything from last night?" he asks while he walks towards you. "I don't... Are you okay?" You look at his hand which has a bit of blood on it. Albedo looks down, "Oh, I didn't even notice.. I'll go put something on it". You get up from his bed and walk towards his bag. He always keeps food at the bottom knowing you eat his food whenever you're with him. "Still working on that imporant thing?". He smiles at you, "Yes, some things aren't that easy for me to do". You were looking at him write things and messing with a potion, while you were eating some of his food, when suddenly Jean comes towards you two, looking stressed and shocked. She tries to catch her breath while talking at the same time which makes her cough a bit. "Jean?" Albedo says without looking up from his work. "Kaeya... he.." Jean says while holding back tears. "He's no longer with us..". Albedo drops the glass bottle he was holding and curses. You just stare at her, not believing her. "Jean that isn't fucking funny" You say while starting to feel weird. She shakes her head and looks down, "It's not a joke y/n. He really is.. he's gone..". You start feel yourself fall to the floor and start breaking down. Albedo kneels down next to you, a few tears rolling down his cheeks and he holds you. Jean starts crying as well and Albedo gets up to hand her tissues. Albedo wipes his tears and walks back towards you with Jean. 
"Are you okay Albedo? I've never seen you cry before". He holds you again, "I need to make sure the others are fine first before I can grief". Jean makes her way out, but suddenly stops. "Albedo could you please come with me when I tell Klee, I don't know who could comfort her better than you". He nods and tries to get you to stand up. You hold onto him as he lifts you up. The rest is just a big blur to you. Nothing makes sense anymore. Is it that girl that he was with last night? What if people think you did it because of what happened? What if Kaeya followed you and saw Albedo kiss you? What if you drove him over the edge? What if he was murdered? You feel a hand touch your shoulder. "y/n?" you look up at Albedo. "You haven't said anything in hours". Diluc walks towards you and hugs you with tears going down his cheeks. 
You remember when Kaeya told you about what happened between them. How he got his vision and how he feels about Diluc. You knew Diluc didn't hate Kaeya. There was always a bit of love left, they are brothers after all - well, were.

Diluc walked you and Albedo back to his lab and stayed for a bit until he just left. Albedo looks around and sees the glass bottle he dropped earlier, all the liquid that was in it before is long gone now. He gasps and runs towards it, grabbing the shattered pieces of glass. "No..no..nononono.." he starts grabbing the pieces of glass more aggressively and his hands start to bleed. "Albedo..?". He ignores you and starts freaking out, grabbing his face while he was still holding the glass, leaving a cut on his cheek. You get up in a shock and grab his wrists, making him drop the glass and come back to reality. "Y/n...". You hug him. The whole situation with Kaeya must've messed him up. Kaeya and he got along really well and they were friends for a long time. He probably blames himself the same way you do. You get up and grab bandages from one of his desks. He always has a bunch of them laying around in case something happens or Klee drops a bottle and cuts herself. You take care of his wounds on his hands while he sits in silence and looks down. You gently grab his face and take care of the small cut on his cheek. You kiss it and look at him. "Atleast I still have you" he says and pulls you closer. "We should probably get rid of the glass" you say as you let go of him, "don't want you to get more cuts". He gets up and carefuly cleans up the broken glass with you.
"You go home and get some sleep, I have to remake my potion now that it's gone". You didn't want to leave him, but at the same time you felt like he needed some time alone. You give him a hug and head back to mondstadt. While walking back you notice someone sitting near the gate. You walk up to the person. It's Diluc. "I have no one left y/n.." he says as you sit down next to him. Without realizing you hug him and you two just hold each other for a bit. It must be even harder on Diluc than on you. Kaeya was his last family member. Now he's gone and it must hurt so much.  He didn't deserve it, he was too young to die. "I'm going to find out who did this to him" you hear Diluc say. "Please be careful, I don't want to lose you as well". Diluc looks at you and grabs your face, pulling you into a kiss and shoving his tounge in your mouth. His hand starts going under your shirt and moving up your back. He soflty pushes you down and pulls away from your face. "Really here?" you say while looking at him. He nods and smashes his lips back onto yours. You long for more of his touch though at the same time you don't. You just lost the love of your life and here you are with his brother. You didn't even notice that Diluc had already taken off your shirt. Maybe it's a good thing, it'll release some stress for the both of us.

His hands were traveling all over your body while he made his way down with to your neck. Kissing it passionatly yet roughly at the same time, leaving marks all over. You started pulling off his clothes while slowly moving your hips upwards making him groan. You can't believe you're doing this at a time like this, in a place like this, with Diluc of all people. It feels so wrong. It feels like you're making a huge mistake yet you still want more of his touch. "Diluc, maybe we shouldn't". He looks into your eyes when you said that. "You're right..". 
He gets off you and pulls you upwards, making you sit. You both start putting back on the clothing that you removed off eachother. You hug him and make your leave. Walking to your house. Before you enter you notice that your front door is unlocked. You're so dumb sometimes, this is the 5th time this happened within 3 months. You walk in and lay down on your bed. It still smells like Kaeya. With tears in your eyes you fall asleep, just in time not to notice the sounds of someone walking in your kitchen..

Love me - Albedo KreideprinzWhere stories live. Discover now