6. The murderer

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"All for you" 

You look at the note with a frown. Did you write this and forget about it? Did someone mean to give it to someone else but stuffed it inot your jacket on accident? But you're sure you put Kaeya's note in your pocket this morning. Maybe you're wrong. With everything that's been going on lately your mind must be having a hard time to process things. You hear footsteps coming your way and you shove the note back into your pocket. "You wanted to see me?". You look up and see one of Dilluc's maids standing in front of you. "Ah- Yes. I'd like to ask you a few questions about the situation with Diluc". The maid nods, waiting for you to ask your questions. "Diluc mentioned that you could've possibly saw the person. Could you describe what you saw and the events leading up to what happened, if you're comfortable with that?". The maid takes a deep breath and looks to her side, trying to remember every detail of what happened. She looks back at you and sighs softly. 
"I remember master Diluc asked me to help him after I was done with my work a while before it happened. So once I finished my work for the day I made my way over to where he was. I saw a person trying to attack him and before I could get my mind straight the person fled away". "What did the person look like?". The maid takes a second to think. "They had blonde hair and looked masculine". You give a small nod. "Thank you, this is very helpfull". You make your way out of dawn winery and sit outside for a bit. You got so lost in thoughts that you didn't notice that it was already starting to become dark outside. Once you noticed you look a bit shocked. "I really sat here for hours huh" you quietly say to yourself. 

You get up and make your way towards your house. It's always a bit scary to walk back to your house all the way from here. You have to go through a forrest and those can be quite creepy. One time you and Kaeya were walking here when you first started to hang out. You were so scared that you forced him to hold your hand the whole way. He kept teasing you and trying to scare you. You smile to yourself when suddenly you hear a sound to the left of you. You stand still and look around you. When looking behind you, you notice a piece of paper. You pick it up and open it.
"I love you"
You start to feel a bit uneasy and put the note in your pocket. Before being able to continue to walk further you hear someone running up to you. Without realizing you start running yourself, hoping to get away from whoever was coming after you. Suddenly everything started to make sense to you. Kaeya wouldn't leave you small notes, he'd say it directly to you. He always said that he wanted to show you how much you meant to him, which lead him to not being shy around you and always telling you how he felt. You started feeling tears in your eyes. What was happening and who was leaving those notes. You trip and fall to the ground. You didn't know what to do so you just screamed for help. Was the person who left you those notes the one who was running after you? How did they manage to leave them? How did they get into your house? Are you sure it couldn't have been Kaeya? You hear footsteps approaching and close your eyes in fear. This is it. They've cought up to you and god knows what they'll do to you. Maybe it's the murderer that can't stand you for trying to figure out who they are.

"I heard you scream. Are you alright? What happened?". You open your eyes and look up. "Albedo!". You've never been this happy to see the stupid alchemist before. He gives you a worried look and helps you sit up. "Albedo I'm scared". He looks at you with concern and waits for you to elaborate. You explain all about the notes and how you thought that either the person from the notes or the murderer was running after you earlier. He tries to calm you down by hugging you but you just keep crying. "Y/n.." Albedo says as he cups your face with his hands. "I'll protect you, okay? I promise". "But I was so mean to you. I said something terrible to you, yet here you are helping me again". He tilts his head a bit to the left and smiles. "What you said was a very understandable reaction. I should act more.. empathetic and.. affectionate towards you. The situation you were trying to talk to me about clearly affected you deeply. I'm truely sorry y/n. So don't tell me that you were being mean to me, you were being reasonable. So I'm here to help and protect you to make it up to you". You put your left hand onto his. "But Albedo I-". He puts his right thumb onto your lips and shushes you. "Don't forget that I care about you. You're my favorite person after all. Thats waht you always say you are, no?". You slightly smile at him and you both get up. "We should stay in Dragonspine for the time being. I'll be able to catch the person stalking you easier like that". "Yeah..". Without realizing you grabbed Albedo's hand and walked with him while holding it. 

"Oh Albedo, since you dropped your potion that one time, have you been working on recreating it?". Albedo looks at you for a second before turning his gaze back at the path and slightly smiling. "I haven't had much time to finish it, but I'm getting there".
"I never asked you what you're making". Albedo's soft slight smile becomes a bigger open-mouth smile. "Don't worry about it..".

Love me - Albedo KreideprinzWhere stories live. Discover now