2. The contest

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Time has long passed since Kaeya had asked you out and the contest would be starting soon. Kaeya and you were officially dating now and people seemed to be happy for you. Though you haven't seen Albedo that much as he's been working on something important, what that is you don't know, but you tend to leave him alone when he needs to focus that much. You had set up a little 'backstage' area where the contestens could get ready and wait for their turn to perform. Kaeya has been on stage with Jean to make sure everything would go smoothly, so you haven't really been able to talk to him as much that day. It's almost your turn to perform and you've been super stressed out about it. You're not really the social type, so when you have to perform in a room full of people that will judge you... well let's just say it's not that fun. You were so lost in your thoughts that you weren't paying attention to the things going on around you until you feel something at your leg. "Hi y/n" Klee says happily while hugging your leg. "It's my turn soon, I'm gonna do so good". "I'm sure" you say as you lower yourself to Klee's height and smile at her. "Of course you'll do good" Albedo says as he walks towards you two. "Albedo!!". You emidiately feel a lot less stressed now that you've seen him. "Hi y/n" he says while smiling at you. He sits down on the ground next to where Klee is standing. "Klee you're up" you hear Jean say and Klee runs off to the small stage. You sit down and put your head on Albedo's shoulder.
"Stressed?" he says while lifting your head a bit to make you look at him. "Very" you say as you start to get teary eyes. Albedo becomes a bit shocked and pushes you to sit up straight so he can put his arms around you. You pull yourself closer to him and feel all your troubles go away. Albedo is your best friend, you feel like you could fight the whole world if he were just to be by your side. Since you hadn't seen him a lot and Kaeya has been quite busy all day, you held Albedo really close to you. Without realizing a few tears had left your eyes and dripped onto Albedo's neck. He lifts up your face and wipes your tears. "Close your eyes". You do as he says and he gently kisses the sides of both your eyes.
He always did this when you've cried and it makes you feel better. "Kissing away the pain" he always says. It felt so nice whenever he did it, but now it just felt wrong. You're with Kaeya and the way you and Albedo behave towards each other might be a bit too affectionate. Albedo cups your face and looks into your eyes. "You can do this, you're amazing and if anyone says anything mean I'll make them into my lab rat". You laugh and stand up, letting go of Albedo. "You're not watching Klee, she'll be pissed at you". Albedo completely forgot about Klee's performance and gets up quickly to look at the last bit. She's dancing and throwing flowers. 
The flowers were Jean's idea, as Klee originally wanted to throw some of her bombs. She finishes and runs back to you and Albedo. As you walk towards the stage Kaeya holds his hand out to you. You grab it and he sits you down on your small bench. He sits down next to you and smiles. "Ready when you are~".
You look at Kaeya and then at your hands. They're tightly gripping the guitar. You think about what Albedo said and all those nights you've practiced with Kaeya. You think of how happy Klee was to see you and how excited she was to see you perform. You move your hand towards the strings and start to play. You look at Kaeya while he sings and just fall more in love with him every second. He looks so peaceful and happy. His voice sounds perfect and you could listen to it all day. You remember last night, he sung you to sleep while you dozed off in his arms. Whenever you're with him you feel like all your worries disappear. He's just so perfect. His smile makes you melt and the way he holds you is so gentle. He looks at you and smiles. You didn't realize that you've finished your performance, you were so distracted by him that everything just went automatically. You walk away from the small stage and Klee runs up to you. She started talking exitedly about how you were "super good" and that "Mr. Kaeya sings really pretty". 

The rest of the contest went really well and Klee won. You all went to the tavern to celebrate and gave Klee lemon juice and a cookie. Kaeya and Venti got quite drunk and it was funny how they interracted with each other. You were sitting on Kaeya's lap and he kept giving you small kisses in your neck every now and then. "Bye everyone, have a great night!" Jean says as she and Klee leave. It started getting late and a lot more people were coming to drink since well - it's late at night and people like to drink. Albedo got a bit tipsy so you got of Kaeya's lap and started messing with Albedo. Albedo rarely drinks alcohol, let alone get drunk so when you have the chance you'll tease him. "There's nothing going on in that poor head of yours, is there?" you say as you softly give him a playful slap on the back of his head. He looks at you like he's never seen you before and his eyes go wide. "Y/n we have to hide". "Why" you say while looking back at him. "They're looking for us. They can't know we ate all the cookies". You start laughing and he grabs your hands. "We can move to Liyue and get married there". "Albedo I'm already married to you". You tease him. "We are???" he says in shock. "I'm so sorry my dear. We need to hide quick".
You hear Diluc laugh softly. "Leave the poor man alone, he's so confused". You smile at Diluc and ask him to look after Albedo for a bit while you go back to Kaeya. You'd feel bad leaving him alone while he's drunk.

You find Kaeya on the other side of the tavern with a few people. You were about to go give him a kiss and ask him when he was planning on leaving, but you notice a girl flirting with him. You got mad and were ready to snap at her, but Kaeya pulled her onto his lap. You can feel your heart shatter into a million pieces and walk back to Albedo while holding back tears. You thank Diluc for looking after him and grab Albedo's hand, leaving the tavern and making your way to Dragonspine. Albedo has a small bed set up in the back of his tiny lab place where he sleep. Sometimes he lets you stay the night and you force him to sleep in the bed with you - he always intends on sleeping on the floor, in the snow, but you won't let him. When you arrive you break down and start crying. Albedo cups your face and pulls you close to him. "What's wrong darling?" he says as he tries to calm you down.
You completely forgot that he still thinks you're married to him. "It's nothing Bedo (You sometimes call him Bedo when you feel like it)". He pulls your face close to his and he softly presses his lips against yours. It felt so good yet so wrong. After a bit he pulls way and grabs your hand, leading you to his bed. "You need to rest, you're tired, love". You lay down and he lays down next to you, wrapping his arms around you. Slowly falling asleep together. Little did you know, he was completely sober this whole time...

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