9. Lovesick

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You've never ran this fast in your life before. You're almost at Dragonspine. You need to ask Albedo if he's the one leaving the notes. If you ask him he'll say the truth, right? His handwriting matches the one on the notes your stalker left. It could be the stalker trying to blame Albedo. Though you just don't know anymore at this point. You arrive at Albedo's lab and see Jean standing next to him, they're talking to each other. You were about to ask Albedo to talk to you in private for a second, but you freeze. "We found out who it is, the muderer, the traitor". Albedo looks up at her, not having noticed you yet. "You do? Who is it?". Jean clenches her fist and slams it onto the desk they were standing next to. "Stop playing games Albedo. It's over. It's done. We know it's you and you're no longer getting away with it". It's quiet. Too quiet. Though the silence quickly get's broken by Albedo laughing. You're confused, this isn't funny. Jean just accused him of something he didn't do and he's just standing there, laughing. Albedo puts his hand in front of his mouth to stop himself from laughing. He stops and puts his gaze on Jean. "Very well..". He smiles at her. You can't just keep watching this. "Alb-", you get cut of my Albedo drawing his sword and stabbing Jean in her stomach. You freeze. Your mind goes blank. Everything goes black and you feel yourself falling to the ground.

You wake up in Albedo's bed. It's night. Must've had a nightmare. You get up from his bed and see him still awake, still working on that potion of his. "Albedo?". He turns towards you as soon as he heard your voice. "Can't sleep?", he says while softly smiling at you. "No, I uhm.. I had a nightmare..". Albedo gestures for you to come towards him. You walk towards him and he puts his arms around you. "It's just a bad dream, nothing to worry about". You rest your head on his shoulder for a second before pulling away from him. "I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep". Albedo gently strokes your right cheek with his thumb and then turns towards the potion he was working on. "Well then you're in luck. I just finished this. It should help you get back to sleep". He grabs the potion and gently puts it in your hands. "Drink it all in one go". You do as he says and give him back the bottle. "What was your nightmare about?", he asks while putting away the glass bottle. You explain it to him and he puts all his attention towards you. "It was scary.. Also- where is Windwheel?". Albedo smiles at you, not like he normally does, this smile feels.. strange.

"I didn't like how it got all your attention when I'm the one that deserved it, so I got rid of it". You look at him with confusion. It's a strange joke, but you laugh anyway. "Why are you laughing? I didn't tell you a joke". "What do you mean?", you say as you get a little closer to him. "Y'n.. I killed Windwheel. Just like I killed Jean". You take a step back. Now his jokes really aren't funny anymore. What's gotten into him. "The same way I killed Kaeya", he says while getting closer to you. He grabs your face and pulls it close to his. "And the same way I killed Diluc", he whispers to you. He presses his lips onto yours. You didn't know what was going on so you froze. "What.. what do you mean Albedo..?".
He look into your eyes. "I always called you lovesick when you talked about Kaeya. But I think I might be the one that's lovesick. I did everything for you. EVERYTHING. But you chose Kaeya.. So I killed him. I thought that maybe then you'd see how much I loved you. But then you just ran towards Diluc. It's emberrassing how hard I tried. I couldn't kill Diluc that one time and he got his suspicions about me. I had to get rid of him, you don't understand how dangerous that was for me. Though with him out of the picture maybe you'd care more about me. But then you chose a fucking slime over me. A SLIME. You don't understand y/n. I wil do anything to make you mine. Anything. So I had to get rid of Jean, or she might've stopped me from being with you. Please tell me you understand. Please just say you love m y/n".

You walk backwards with wide eyes. You trip over your own feet and fall to the ground. Albedo is slowely walking towards you. He get's down and grabs your face with one hand. "Y/n... You love me right?". You don't know what to do and can't seem to find words. Your mind is a mess. "I see.. I expected you to possibly react like this. Which is why I've been working on a potion that will help you set your mind straight". "Albedo.. What did you do". He pulls you face close to his again and smiles. "Love me... Love me y/n... Don't you love me?.. I did all of this for you. Just for you. Love me.. Love me... Love me!! You love me right.. Right??!". Suddenly you feel your body getting heavy and you mind stops being as chaotic as first. Albedo looks at you. You slowely put your hand on his face. "Albedo...". He smiles at you. He did do all of this for you. It must've been so much trouble. It really shows how much he cares about you and how much he loves you. He truely is perfect. 
You gently press you lips against his for a small kiss. "I'm sorry for all the trouble Albedo.. I love you too... Thank you". He smiles and kisses your forehead. "Go back to sleep darling". You do as he says and get back into his bed, closing your eyes and drifting away.

Albedo grabs his research papers. He writes something down and proudly looks at it. His hard work payed off...

His potion worked.

Love me - Albedo KreideprinzWhere stories live. Discover now