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all you wanted was some time to yourself. are the gods punishing you ? making fun of you ? you groaned at the voice of the male. he really did have to interrupt your walk to yoimiya, huh ?

"for the fifth time today itto, im not interested ! go bother sara for a rematch, or something." shooing him away with your hand, it seemed as if he stuck to you like a magnet, a lost puppy thinking that you were its owner, not just that, whenever he got a quick glance at you, he would forget whatever he was doing and rush up to you, asking you the same question once again.

"yoimiya ?"

"yes, yoimiya. now please itto, go figure something else to do." walking away, the oni then thought of something. perhaps do the samething to yoimiya, convince her to convince you. he then turned around and saw you gone and quickly rushed over to the firework stand, doing his best to get there before you.

man how he came in time.

it seemed like yoimiya was walking around the small stand, her father next to her.  as he looked both sides as if crossing a street, he ran over to the girl. as the blond saw the taller figure running towards her, she stopped walking and stood still like a deer in headlights.

"oh, itto ! what a surprise." 

she did not sound one bit interested.

huffing to catch his breath, itto crouched down and rested his palms on his knees, looking down at the ground then back up. 

"i.. need help with.."

"geez, do you want some water ?" shaking his head no, itto stood up and finished his heavy breathing.

"i need help with you trying to convince the love of my life, y/n, to like me back !"

as yoimiya stood idly, she then bursted out into laughter, giving out a confused itto.

"wait wait, youre being serious ?" as she wiped a tear of laugher, itto nodded aggressively. the quick and easy smile then slowly twisted into a more serious look.

"wait, you really dont know ?" all of ittos tensed muscles relaxed in confusion. slightly tilting his head, he questioned on what the girl was talking about.

"ah, nevermind. ill help you ! i dont really have anything better to do anyways, ehe." as took her hands and shook it, the smaller hands almost falling off in an instant. 

"thank you so so much yoimiya ! you have no idea how -"

"what the fuck did i just walk into.." you mumbled under your breath, seeing arataki almost killing your friend with a simple handshake. man did he mess up. you glared at the tall oni, making him having to apologize to you and the tied up haired girl.

"im sorry ! ill get going now !" 

as what seemed like skipping, the oni then disappeared, leaving you curious about what they had just spoke of. shaking the thought out of your head, you went to check the fireworks out on display.

"sooo, what do you think ? to shiny or to less of ' the shine ' ?" leaning in, you saw each of the carefully crafted fireworks.

"some of them are a bit lackluster. not saying that their boring or, not much of a ' shazham ' or a ' boom ! ', it's just that these designs are what we saw before, or similar to them." yoimiya nodded as you stood straight [ not much of ' perfect posture ' , but still good enough ].

"alright ! different kinds of designs. understood !" as the sandy haired girl saluted, you waved off and sighed. went out just for this, and now it's back to the house.

 went out just for this, and now it's back to the house

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