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"DONT WANNA DRINK IT, wanna sleep.." laying down on small couch, you wrapped a blanket around him, it barely even covering his legs. you held a cup of hot water and some pain killers.

"your heads gonna start hurting tomorrow. you drank a whole lot today itto." the inazuma night bugs hummed their music as you grew more tired by the second. you continued to stand next to him, the steam coming up from the cup in a slow motion.

sighing, you put the water down to the side, sitting on the ground and grabbing the larger hands from the oni. you gave up on asking the guy to get up and drink some water. looking at his palm, you traced the lines on it, his hands curling up from the ticklish feeling, relaxing it after a while.

you heard the soft breathing of the red tattooed oni. finally asleep. closing your eyes, you felt yourself falling asleep on the spot. 

not giving two cares about the world, it was just you, arataki itto, and the baby soft moon.


messy haired, itto sobbed as you brewed yourself some tea, handing one to itto and cleaning the one from yesterday. an unexpect vist from thoma made you feel relived as he cleaned your small house while you took care of the hungover itto.  although, it felt as if your ass just flattened its self, sleeping on the floor while itto, the high and mighty, slept on the ever so comfortable couch, his legs sticking out like a sore thumb.

"aha, of course your head would hurt. after you drank so much yesterday, i would be surprised if it didnt !" thoma cleaned his hands on his clothing, smiling as you sighed and thanked him. itto nibbled on the edge of the cup, watching the two having a heart felt conversation. taking an unknown sip, he quickly burned his tounge, making him hiss in slight pain as you quickly turned and frowned, taking the cup out from his hands.

"didnt you hear me saying it was hot.." you sighed and cleaned the small mess, thoma bring some cloth to wipe it off his clothing. it was as if he was being babied by the two of you. not that he minded it when it came to you, but working with thoma just made him feel a bit upset. was it because of him that the two of you were getting closer ? thoma was supposed to help him, after all. so why the sudden change ?

"hello ? itto ??" you waved your hand in front of the blank expression of the oni. blinking a few times, he saw the two smiling as thoma fixed his posture.

"i should get going. come get me if you need anything while itto stays !"

"thank you again, thoma. come again soon !"

it was just like the plays hes seen. the main characters main love interest falls in love with someone else and runs away with them, making the main character feel blue.

"you have that look."

"what look ?"

"you know what im talking about, itto. the look of self doubt."

you can really read him like a book. 

"whats wrong ?"

"can you please just go on one date with me ? just one ?" 

parting your lips, you shifted your eyes to the calendar behind him. 

"im sorry itto, but my answer still stands."



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