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[Aether POV]

I was lying on my bed for about half an hour now, so it's time. I stood up and wanted to open the door, as Lumine asked me "Hey, what do you wanna do?" "Eh...I'll meet up with a friend" Seems like that was enough info for her to let me go.

I took a deep breath before I knocked at Xiao's door hoping I won't get red again. Gladly my face stayed normal even when Xiao opened the door. I could just say "Hey" I don't know why but the rest of the sentence got stuck between my head and my throat. "Hi, come in" he held the door open for me so I could enter. I looked at his room, it looked really similar to ours only that one bed was empty. Xiao sat down on his bed and patted the place next to him. I quickly sat down next to him, so I wouldn't just stand here looking lost. We both didn't really know what to say, also I tried to slow down my heartbeat, as it was thumping like crazy! "So what do you wanna tell me about yourself?" He asked looking at me which was making me blush slightly, thus I looked at the ground. "Mh ... I could tell you about my parents" "Ok ... but only if you're comfortable with it of course!" he told me. I took a deep breath because I hated to talk about it, I can only remember the sad aspects of it. But still I didn't want to back down now and it would probably be good for me since I never really talked to anyone about it "Well...I don't know much about my parents...my mother died short after we were born, probably overexertion. I do have some memories of my dad, but they're no good" Xiao only sat there silently, but he was listening carefully. "I must have been around four years old, I have one memory of father just leaving us somewhere outside and never coming back...I have no clue why he did this...when it got dark someone who lived nearby probably called the police and they brought us into a sage house after they couldn't find our dad. There we never got taken, because nobody really wanted to take us as siblings. So when we were old enough, we went to a flat sharing community. But I had problems with the school I went to, thus we moved here."

As I ended my report and was trying really hard not to cry out loud, since all the memories flashed to my mind. All the pain and loneliness I had felt, the fact of feeling unwanted. Without Lumine who always stayed optimistic I probably wouldn't be able to laugh nowadays. Probably I started to sniffle, in response Xiao hugged me. I started to cry silently. "Take your time" he said.

Sometime later I was at least able to stop sobbing, so I let go of Xiao and tried to smile at him. It must have seemed pretty cheerless, he looked at me even more worried now. I didn't want him to feel bad for me any longer, so I tried to cheer me up with the fact, how well I'm doing here. I have found new friends in just one day and even get to hang out with Xiao. Ok...now I'm feeling just fine, but how do I cheer up Xiao? With a fun game? Hmm...I can't think of a fun game which we could play. Ah...I've got it were gonna play two trues a lie!

"How about we play two trues a lie" I suggested to him. "What's that?" he asked "Well, you tell me two truths and one lie and then I have to guess which the lie is. Never played it before?" "No" "Never mind, I'll start. Give me a minute" I took me some time to think of three things, but I finally got them "Ok, sentence one: I'm the older sibling, number two: I'm a pisces, and three: I had a cat once" he looked like he was thinking really hard. "I think the first one's a lie" He plainly said. I had to grin because he had guessed wrong "Well, I am actually the older sibling. You can guess again" "Hm... then it's the third one?" he suspected "Correct, the last one is the lie. I never had an animal."

"Ok now it's your turn" I told him. He nodded and soon began to speak "So, one: I'm a Gemini, two: I can dance, three: My favorite food is almond tofu" I began to think out loud "Well I did see you order almond tofu once, so that one is probably true. I really can't imagine you dancing, so I'll say that's a lie" "My father took me to a dancing course some time ago, so I can dance a bit" "Ok, so you're not a Gemini then. What zodiac are you then?" "I think I'm an Aries" "Cool, I'm a Pisces like I said earlier" I just wanted to ask if we should play again, when I got a text on my phone. It was Lumine wanting to see me.

"My sister is searching for me, I'll better go check on her" I said while I was worrying if something happened. "Mind if I come along?" he asked me. "Eh..." I was a bit confused why he asked that but I didn't have anything against it "Yeah, why not?" then we both stood up and went to my room where I assumed her to be.

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