Only Angel ~ Chris Evans

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Chris Evans x actress!reader

Word count : 781 words

Summary : Chris gets jealous of you talking about Harry Styles all the time.

Warnings : fluff, mention of sex, mention of anxiety

A/N : English is not my first language, so if I made any grammar mistakes, I apologize! Hope you guys enjoy:)

It was getting colder and darker in Boston; leaves were falling from the trees. There was a chill in the air overnight, frost on the ground in the morning, mist and fog in the air. Dry, dead leaves crunched beneath your feet and clouds appearred when you breathed out. Yes, fall was finally here. It was Chris' favorite season. He loved spending Sunday mornings in bed with you while he watched leaves falling from the trees. He loved seeing you play with dodger when you guys went for a morning walk. He loved the noises you made when you too had lazy sex after the walk. He loved that you made him Halloween treats even if it wasn't officially Halloween yet. What he didn't love was that you kept brining Harry Styles up all the time.

" Babe, can you open 'Only Angel' from Harry styles on my phone, my hands are dirty!" you yelled from the kitchen while making cookies for the two of you. Chris sighed at your request and opened the song for you. He knew that is was your favorite song. When Harry started to sing, he could see you smiling widely, which made him mad and insecure. What was so special about him? Sure, he was a few years younger than him and yeah he was handsome with an amazing voice and body, but he was Chris Evans for god sake. He had one thing that no other male had. America's ass.

"Why do you like Harry Styles so much?" He asked while your hands were still dirty.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean wat is it that you like so much? We're in the car, you open Harry Styles. You're cooking, you're listening to Harry Styles. You're in the shower, you're singing his songs. Even at family gatherings you keep talking about his songs and how much you want to see him in real life. I mean what is so special about this dude?"

You couldn't help but laugh at your boyfriend who had a serious look on his face. Was he really jealous?

" I just think that he is a great singer. I love his songs, they put me trough a lot, you know. He is kind, caring, sweet towards his fans and he is a feminist. What's not to like?"

Your answer scared Chris a little. Were you into him? Everyone knew that you and Chris had an age gap between you too, but it was never a problem. You loved him and he loved you. You and Harry were the same age. Even the tought of you leaving him for someone else made his heartbeat go faster.

"That's it? You don't find him, I don't know attractive or anything? He asked you almost in a whisper. You dropped the dough in the bowl next to you, washed you hands and took Chris' face in your hands. You looked in his deep blue eyes with admiration and saw the anxiety creeping up on him.

"Chris honey, listen to me carefully, I'm gonna say this to you one time, okay? I love you. I love you because you are the owner of my best times. Even the short moments I spend with you are unforgettable. I don't want it to end. And if you're not with me? That's when the minutes stop flowing, it turns into a torture to endure time. I love you because with you I rediscover life every day. You always offer me something to discover every day. I become the tireless explorer of breathless adventures of exploration. I love you because I don't feel like doing anything else and I enjoy feeling this feeling for the first time in my life. Your love didn't fit anywhere, it fits in my heart alone. Now it doesn't fit in my heart either and it's leaking from my eyes. The only thing I wish is that you could see the love I have for you in them Chris. I love you. All of you."

Chris couldn't help himself but grab you and you kiss you on your lips. His hands moved to your waist and pulled him against you, while yours went to his neck. Chris and you kept making out until your lips were swollen. When he released you, he didn't speak. He was busy drinking all the love that was leaking from your eyes. And you didn't say anything either because you were busy drinking his love that he had for you that was leaking out of his eyes. You both loved each other so much, that everything else was forgotten. Even Harry styles.

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