Overprotective - Chris Evans

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A/N: here is a quick blurb for you guys! I hope you all enjoy it. Please tell me what you think xxx

English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, recommendations, vents, or questions are always welcome. I love talking to you guys about anything <3

Happy reading xxx

Summary: Chris is being overprotective of his pregnant wife <3

I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.

It was a Sunday evening in your Boston home you shared with your husband, that you started feeling bored. Ever since you got pregnant, the number of activities that you could do were limited not only by the pregnancy but also by your husband. Ever since he heard the news that you were having his baby and he was going to be a father, Chris was a whole new person. Not only was he mentally preparing to be the best version of himself, he was also trying to protect you and the baby from any type of harm that could occur.

"Umm, where do you think you're going?" He asked you, with shocked eyes and fear in his tone, like you were going to a war.

"I'm going to the kitchen. Calm down. You don't have to be so nervous all the time." You laughed him off, thinking that it would be the end of the conversation, but Chris was still not done with you. He was very serious when he said that he would protect you from anything dangerous.

"Well, what if you accidentally burn your hand? Or bump your head into the wall? Y/N what if there is a piece of glass on the floor and you step on it? No. No no no no no, absolutely not. You stay here on the couch where it's safe and I'll make you whatever you want."

And this continued during your whole pregnancy. Sometimes, you were worried that he was too focused on you and the baby, that he forgot he has his own life he should be focusing on. Neither of you were clingy people, but Chris became one after you got pregnant.

"Please, just gimme 5 more minutes." Chris was supposed to be in a meeting with producers, but he was hugging his wife and kissing her belly, trying to feel the kicks of his baby.

"Chris, no, you aren't supposed to be here right now. Go before your assistants get mad at me." The last thing you wanted to do was hold Chris down and make him fall behind work. He was a dedicated actor you were proud of, and couldn't wait to see more of his work.

"Please, if she even tries to talk to you with an attitude, she'll be fired. No one gets to get mad at my wife." A piece of you loved he was looking out for you and that he would die before anything happened to you and the baby, but you needed some alone time and Chris was working on your nerves.

"I swear to God if you don't move your ass to the car and go that meeting right now, I will name our child after my great uncle. Go!"

Chris then stood up, hands in the air, brows furrowed, looking like you offended him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going. Jeez, I didn't know I was such a burden." After hearing his words, you rolled your eyes, once again witnessing how much of a baby your 41-year-old husband was.

"When did I say that, huh? Did such words ever leave my mouth? No. So stop acting like I treat you like a burden, baby." You stood up and gave him a hug, and felt Chris put his head on yours.

"I love it so much, that you take care of us and protect us with so much care, but baby, you do it a lot. The baby and I won't get hurt when we go to the kitchen or when we decide to go to the bathroom alone in the middle of the night. I get it, you're nervous and you're looking out for us, but doing too much is also not okay. You need to go out, interact with people, do your job, and me and the baby will be at home waiting for you. At this point, you are just spoiling us with all these hugs and kisses." You finished your sentence with a laugh, which also made Chris laugh, above you. When you looked up, you saw he had glistering eyes, and a smile so perfect. The only thing you wanted was the best for him, just like he wanted for you.

"Yeah, I get it. I'm sorry that I seem so overprotective, but I can't help it. I wanted this life for so long, and now I have it. I don't want to be without you guys, ever. I'm sorry that I seemed to be clingy these last couple of months. Just the thought of something happening to you or the baby is the worst scenario to ever exist."

With your hormones being everywhere, any type of comment Chris made about you and the baby being so important to him, sounded like most emotional poet to your ears and you couldn't help yourself but cry.

"Oh honey, noooooo. Don't cry please. You're gonna make me cry." He took you in for a bear hug while he gave your head a few kisses.

"You're just the best husband, the best father and the best friend any woman would've asked for. Thank you for being here and looking out for us. The baby and I love you and appreciate everything you do for us."

"Love you guys more."

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