Jealousy, Jealousy ~ Frank Adler

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Pairing : Frank Adler x reader

Word count : 815 words

Summary : You felt jealous for the first time in your life. And Frank loved it.

Warnings : possessiveness, talks about anxiety, JEALOUSY, hints of sub!Frank but nothing too big

A/N :  This is my first Frank fic, I'm really nervous :) Hope you guys enjoy <3

English is not my first language, so If I made any grammar mistakes, I apologize. Feedback and requests are welcome! :))

You were NOT a jealous person. It wasn't in you. You always looked weird at people that were jealous of there loved ones, like their friends. How can they be jealous when all you wanted is your loved ones to be happy and succeed? You hated the feeling and everything about it. No. You were definitely NOT a jealous person. So why did you want to strangle Mary's teacher when she was talking to your boyfriend? You had no idea.

It was a Friday night when you walked into your boyfriends favorite bar Ferg's. It was not too big, there were nice people and they had good beer. It was also the place where you and Frank met for the first time. You just moved to the city and was drinking your feelings away when Frank sat next to you, obviously looking for company. When you showed him that you were not interested, he was shocked. He always found a hookup in Ferg's and they always said 'yes', what was different about you? When he asked why you were playing so hard to get and you answered with ' I don't play hard to get, I am hard to get' He knew that he was going to fall in love with you. It took a lot of time and a lot of convincing until you caved to his attractiveness. You were now 2 years together and happier than ever. You got along with Mary very well which made Frank extremely happy.

You finally spotted your boyfriend drinking beer in one of his weird t-shirts at the bar. When you walked closer to him, you saw that he was not alone and had company, Mary's teacher Bonnie Stevenson. They were talking and laughing and it made you feel uneasy. You were feeling a type of anger that you never felt before. You heartbeat got faster for no reason and your anxiety was creeping up your body damaging your brain with the worst scenarios and nightmares. You never felt like this with any other of your boyfriends, why now? You never wanted to be that woman that never allowed their boyfriends from having friends who are girls, but the way that Bonnie was holding Frank's arm made you want to punch her in the face. You hated this feeling so much. You finally understood what your girlfriends were talking about when they were jealous of their boyfriends.

You walked towards Frank, took his face between your hands and kissed him so hard that you just took his breath away. He was first in shock with his eyes wide open, but then relaxed in it by kissing you back and holding your waist close to him. Frank totally forgot about Bonnie when the kiss turned into a little makeout. He had to break to kiss to breath and when he did, he saw that your lips were swollen and your eyes were full of love.

"Hey baby, I missed you so much today." You fingers were brushing trough his hair while you were talking to him. His hands were still around your waist. Bonnie sat there akwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Hey honey, missed you too. I was just talking about Mary with Bonnie here."

He could see that you were jealous and boy he loved it. He couldn't wait to go home so that you could mark his body up and show everbody with proud who he belonged to. He was a sucker for you and your damn mouth. He couldn't get enough. When he could taste himself when you kissed him, that made him wild. Or when you are in charge, man oh man. He went crazy.

"Oh is that so?" You teasingly said. "Well thank you so much for keeping my boyfriend company, but I think I got if from here. Goodbye Bonnie." With that, Bonnie stood up and you took her place. Frank shoved your chair closer to him and wrapped his arm around you shoulder, not even waiting until Bonnie was gone and started kissing you again. Bonnie started walking away and you released Frank's lips.

"Look at you honey, all jealous. I never thought that I would see this day."

You wanted to deny it, say that it wasn't true and that you would never feel that way. But this was your feeling and you weren't going to deny them for anyone.

"You can say it's jealousy, I say that it's just not sharing the person I love. You are mine Adler and I'm not afraid to show it." With that, Frank stood up, payed for his drink and took your hand.

"Well, why don't you show me at home whom I belong to honey? The next time I see the teacher I want to show her your marks proudly so she can't mess with what's yours."

"That's my good boy."

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