Family - Chris Evans

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 I don't know what it is with me and dad!chris, but I wrote another one lmao. The ending is rushed and kinda sucks but I hope y'all enjoy it xxx

English is not my first language, So I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, questions or just vents are always welcome.

Warnings: fluff, rushed ending

I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.

Many people have different answers to the question, 'what is the most important thing in your life?'

The reason is simple; not everyone is the same. People had different lifestyles, different tastes, different religions, and different friends. It would be impossible for them to give the same answer. And sometimes, people change, so their answers change. The important thing in a person's life could be a dog at first, but can switch to their career once they work.

Chris changed as all humankind did, but his answer never did. It was always the same. Maybe it was because he didn't get it until he was 38. Perhaps it is because that is all he knew in life.

One thing he knew for sure: the essential thing in his life was his family—especially the one he created with you.

It was like one of those fairytales in Disney movies he used to watch when he was little. Everything about you was surreal. You were a princess who couldn't be more beautiful: your eyes, hair, and smile. The cure to his problem was you. But he knew that if he drank you in too much, it would become poison, like all things do when you do it too much. He didn't care. It would be an honor for him to die because of you.

His family. He still couldn't wrap his head around it. Chris' family was his whole life, and everything else came around second regarding what was important to him. His wife, the Dinsey princess, his dog dodger, his wife's best friend, and his son, the little troublemaker.

"He is a troublemaker because he is just like his dada." That is what you kept responding to Chris every time he called Ry that. It was true. Rayan was exactly like his father, not only in his looks but also in his character, which scared Chris a little. He didn't want his son to become an anxious person who was too stubborn for his own good.

Hopefully, he wouldn't be.

Because the more little Ry grew, the more he showed he was the perfect mixture between his parents. Sure, he was a troublemaker like Chris. That made you pull your hair a couple of things for the things he did, but he was more than that.

Rayan was patient. He could accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. If Chris was a little later, he just sat on the couch, watched his show quietly without fuss, and hugged his dad when he arrived.

The quality that you liked the most about him is honesty. He never lied about if he accidentally spilled something or did something he shouldn't do.

"Mommy, my apple juice spilled all over the carpet, but I promise I didn't do it on purpose. Dodge came into my room and wanted to hug me. I think he got too excited, and I spilled mommy. Please don't be mad at him; he also didn't mean it."

You cleaned his carpet and gave him and Dodger both a treat. The fact that he explained to you what happened and protected dodger made you proud of being his parent.

When you told the accident to Chris while you were both in bed, he couldn't hold his tears at how good of a person his son was. At that age, he thought about even Dodger's feelings and how he was innocent. That was all you. It couldn't be him. Chris wasn't even considering his brother's feelings, pulling pranks all the time and making him cry when they were little. He was immensely grateful that he was becoming more and more like you. God knows how Lisa was tortured by Chris, sneaking out of school and doing stuff he shouldn't be doing.

Your daughter Hira was a whole other story.

When she was born, everyone complimented her, saying how much she looked like you. Chris couldn't be more proud. The more he looked at his daughter, the more he fell in love with you.

When Rayan was born, that was the first time Chris cried from happiness. His first child. He had so many priorities, but maintaining his son was first.

But when his arms held his daughter after she was born, It felt more miraculous than Chris could have imagined. He was beyond happy that he had a daughter.

And that daughter may look like you, but she was Chris' twin. Rayan was a mommy's boy, and Hira was a daddy's girl. They were inseparable.
She was a little monkey, trying to climb places, always making a mess in the house and painting the walls with her favorite marker.

And she loves to tease her big brother—a lot.

Rayan was the happiest boy on earth when his parents brought his little sister back home. He went into her room at night when she was crying to calm her down, he was quieter around the house so she could sleep better, and he made sure to help you out by cleaning his room by himself.

But now she was growing up, and he didn't like her as much.

"Mommy, Hira ruined my painting again!"

The only sounds from your son's room were his cry for help and your daughter's mischievous laugh. There was also coming laughter from your husband, who acted like his two-year-old daughter.

"You know, instead of laughing and cheering her on, go there and tell her it's not okay to bother her brother like that."

Chris was Hira's biggest supporter. She couldn't do anything wrong with his eyes. Even when she posted herself on Instagram with a weird caption, he laughed it off and tickled her.

"Ah, come on, it's a little funny. It toughens you up. Besides, every person needs an annoying person while growing up. I always thought Rayan would be that sibling, but it's Hira. It's not a big deal."

This whole banter between the two siblings continued for a while. The only reason was that Rayan was so patient with Hira. He never pushed her, never pranked her back, or never said something hurtful. But she saw this as an opportunity to bother him even more.

Deep down, you wished he did something back, teased her a little too. It felt like you were the worst mother, but you hated seeing your son crying about the paintings he loved to draw for you getting destroyed by a little monkey.

You asked him one day. Why was he so patient with his sister? Why he did nothing back?

"Because, mommy, if I do something back, she will stop. I don't want that. I love spending time with her, even if she teases me."

Right there, at that exact moment, you saw Chris in your boy. His love for his family was immense, and he wouldn't change it for the world, just like Chris.

He listened to the whole conversation right after he put Hira into bed. You were kneeling in front of Rayan with your back to Chris. He didn't see it, but Chris knew your eyes were probably full of tears and your heart was full of love. He felt so proud of his son.

Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they're driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, curse at you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you.

And Ryan knew this because he had the best role model, his dad.

You couldn't be happier about it.

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