All I want - Chris Evans

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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader

Summary: your daughter Lily is the best gift-giver in the world.

Word count: 1.4k+

Warnings: FLUFFF

A/N: I literally wrote this in 30 minutes, so if it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry lmao

English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, talks, vents, recommendations or just simple questions are always welcome.

Happy reading xxx

I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.

Christmas was one of Chris' favorite holidays. Not only was he able to take a break from work, but he also could celebrate it with the people he loved the most. Especially with you and your daughter.

The special moments you shared with Chris got more meaning when Christmas came around, happiness was sprinkled over the both of you like glitter, and the both of you couldn't let the smile disappear on your faces during the holidays. And of course, Lily, the sun and moon of Chris, was enjoying that her father was home and could spend more time with her.

"Shhh, Daddy, you gotta be quiet."

With Christmas pajamas and fluffy socks on, Lily tried her utter best to surprise you. Being pregnant and taking take of the house and a 6-year-old was difficult, even your daughter caught that. You got tired more often, easily forgot stuff you usually didn't, broke a couple of glasses, and it was obvious that Chris wasn't around and you needed a break. Since he came home from setting to celebrate Christmas with his family, Lily saw this as an opportunity to do something special for her mom.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but these fluffy socks make you slip, huh?"

When Lily came to him to explain her little surprise for her mom, Chris felt psychically his heart grow a few sizes bigger. Here she was, only 6 years old, worrying about her mother and trying to make her feel better. In all honesty, Chris felt like shit. He always left with an uneasy feeling when he needed to fly for work, but now that you were pregnant again and had to take care of a child too, It felt like he was the worst dad on the planet. Of course, as the amazing woman you were, you always calmed him down on phone calls and made him sure that there was nothing to be worried about, that everything was fine. Even If it wasn't, you would never admit that to him.

"Okay daddy, I am going to open the door and give you the sign when to come in, okay?" The both of them stood in front of the bedroom door you shared with Chris, where you were sleeping quietly, not knowing what was going on. Lily slowly opened the door, trying as hard as she could not to make a sound that could wake her mom up. While Lily tiptoed towards you, Chris was still waiting in front of the door with a plate of breakfast the two of them made.

Lily got on the bed and saw her mom peacefully sleeping. Not able to help herself, she bent down and kissed her mom's belly. Since the moment she found out she was going to be a big sister, she was nothing but affectionate towards the baby. Showering your belly with kisses, giving you hugs, talking to the baby, and even drawing on your belly. Seeing your daughter being so kind and lovely made you proud as a mother, but also emotional. It felt like yesterday when you held Lily for the first time, and now she was turning into a little lady.

"Mommy, can you wake up for me, please?" Lily's voice was so soft, that Chris almost didn't hear it. She was always kind and soft when she was next to you.

"Mommy, please wake up. We have a surprise for you." After trying to wake you up for a second time, Lily saw that your eyelids slowly opened and welcomed the sunshine that came through the window. After rubbing your eyes and looking left & right, you finally acknowledged the presence that woke you up in the first place, and a smile immediately appeared on your face.

"Good morning, mommy."

You opened your arms, to embrace Lily in a big hug. She put her face in your neck while you put your face in her neck. The scent of strawberries filled your nose and a feeling of warm, fuzziness washed over you.

"Mhm, good morning, Lily. What is the surprise you're talking about, sweetie?"

Lily immediately stood up, looked behind her, and give her father a thumbs-up, signaling for him to come in. When you saw that Chris wore the same type of pajamas Lily wore, you sat straight to get a better look and saw the plate he was holding. With a surprised face, you waited for them to explain what was going on.

"Good morning, honey. Look what Lily and I made for you."

When Chris bent down to put the plate on your lap, he also put a loving kiss on your lips that made Lily grin widely.

The moment you looked down at your lap, you couldn't believe your eyes. Chocolate pancakes, eggs, waffles, basically everything you loved, were on the same plate. Lily also didn't forget to put a drawing of hers too, where she drew you with a belly, Chris, herself, and Dodger in a park. She also wrote 'I love my big family' in her cute little handwriting. Tears were already building up and with your pregnancy hormones, you knew you were going to cry about this for a while.

"I-I don't understand you guys. What was the need for all of this? I am honestly lost for words for this nice gesture, and Lily, this drawing is the cutest thing I have ever seen, baby. Thank you."

Lily gladly welcomed the kisses you placed on her tiny cheeks, and Chris took pictures of this lovely family bonding.

"It was no problem at all, mommy. You made me breakfast every day, so now I am going to make you breakfast every day. You deserve more. Oh! that reminds me, give her the other surprise daddy, come on, do it!"

She jumped up and down the bed, showing clearly how excited she was.

"Okay okay, give me a second monkey."

He took an envelope from his pocket and handed it to you. You cleaned your cheeks first with your hands and opened the envelope. Chris was nervously waiting for your reaction with his hands on his mouth while Lily was still jumping.

When you saw what was inside, the only thing you could do was gasp. Chris booked you a relaxing trip to your favorite destination with saunas, massages, spas, and pedicures included.

"I-I don't understand. What is this?" you truly had no words to describe what you were feeling right now.

"It's a little getaway, honey. You deserve it. These last weeks were hard on you and Lily wanted to surprise you with something special. We hope you like it."

Like was the last word to even begin to explain the feelings you were going through.

"And this was your idea, Lily."

She nodded and gave you a side hug.

"I know it was hard to take care of me alone, mommy. And you're pregnant. That can't be easy! And I want the best for you, so I hope you'll like it. I love you, mommy."

There it was. That was all you needed to completely lose it and break into tears. You took lily close to your chest and hugged her tightly while you looked at Chris. Even though neither of you said anything, both of you knew how much you loved one another. He joined the hug and embraced the both of you, leaving a kiss on both of your heads.

"You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me. But I didn't need this breakfast or a trip. All I want is you guys. I feel the most relaxed, the happiest when I'm with you guys."

Lily felt the baby kick and broke the hug to give her sibling a big kiss.

"Even my little sister likes the gift!"

"Of course she would, baby. Her big sister is the kindest and best gift-giver in the world."

She only hummed, hugging your belly once again while Chris could do nothing but leave another kiss on your lips.

"Did you really like it?" He whispered on your lips, staying close.

"I did baby, thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."

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