Memories - Chris Evans

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Hello, everyone. I hope that you all are happy and healthy.

I wrote a little blurb and admit that it's not my greatest work, so I apologize. If you guys want to send a request, question, feedback, or just want to talk, my inbox is always open xxx

love you guys, tell me what you think <3

English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Requests and feedback are always welcome.

Enjoy xxx

Warnings: flufffff

I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.

There are a few memories in Chris' brain that he refuses to forget. They were so special that he wrote them down with an unerasable pen in his brain. He would hate himself if even one of those memories got lost in his memory lane. Sometimes, when he was thinking about them, a tear would appear in the corner of his eye, and a smile would enter his face. The things he would do to relieve them again were beyond your mind. Chris would often tell you about them during the day, or when you guys went to bed.

Repeating the same things will make you remember them forever was fitting perfectly in this scenario and, to be honest, you thought that was the reason he was doing it. First, you didn't understand why he kept doing this. You were likewise in those memories, but you didn't repeat them daily. The only thing you did was smile to yourself when you randomly remembered one of them, then you went on your normal day.

It took you a few days to find out why he did this.

When you started thinking about it, the reason was so obvious why Chris kept reminding you of these memories. Because they all had a connection. To your daughter.

The lead actress in every single memory that Chris told you about was your daughter, June.

The day she was born, her first laugh, her first steps, and her first word, which was to all of your surprise 'mama'.

Your husband was mesmerized by June. When she was born and he slowly put her on his bare chest trying not to hurt her, he tried to memorize her whole feature. Every line, her nose, the shape of her eyes were all graved in his brain from the moment he saw her.

"How?" He asked gently, too scared that his voice would scare the tiny human on his chest.

"How what, Chris"?"

Saying that you were exhausted was an understatement. The burden of pain your body went through took an immense toll on your body and your voice, too.

"How is this perfect human a part of me? I-I can't believe she is ours. I get-I get to take her home?"

He wanted to scream to the world to tell how he was feeling, but he couldn't. Chris was not the person to ruin his baby girl's nap. The tears that were going down his cheeks were already forgotten. The only thing he had on his mind was his baby, June.

" I know. She is good to be true. But I hope she is, or else I suffered this pain for nothing."

He wanted to laugh at your joke but he didn't, because his chest would move and June would wake up. Not on his watch.

"You are amazing, Y/N. Do you know that? You went through all that pain for us to have this wonderful baby. I am forever in your debt. I love you and her so much. You guys mean the world to me."

Even when June was getting bigger, he never stopped watching her closely. Every time he put June in the bed, he looked with much adoration at her sleepy face. To him, June's face was more elegant than the best paintings in this world. She was your and Chris' child. Having her daddy's eyes & nose and sharing the same mouth shape and smile with mommy. She was the perfect combination.

"Staring is rude, daddy." Little June exposed herself to her father when she couldn't hold her laugh any longer.

"Excuse me, little miss. Why aren't you asleep yet?" With the biggest smile on his face, he tickled his daughter.

"Why are you watching me sleep, big sir?" She asked during her laughs, making Chris laugh too. That she chose 'big sir' as the opposite of 'little miss' made Chris like her little brain more.

"Now that's an excellent question. It's because I love you so much that I want to remember your face forever. One day, you're gonna grow and become a young lady."

"I will not be a little miss forever?!" She asked her father as she heard to most devastating news. And, of course, Chris acted along.

" I know, right?! It sucks. One day you're gonna grow up and be a young lady. You're gonna have a job and start dating boys." He said with a disgusted face and saw that June was mirroring his mimic.

"Boys are yucky. I don't care if I'm gonna grow up and become a young lady, daddy. I want to be your little girl forever."

With that, she stood up and gave Chris a big hug, while she put her face in her neck.

Chris didn't move for a few seconds, scared he forgot how to. The moment he was living with his girl was so special, so intimate to him, he already felt the tears building up.

"Hey, hey. Of course, you'll be my little girl." He started hugging June too, and her scent calmed him at once, like it always did. Two scents in the world could calm him down: Yours and June's.

"No matter how old you get, no matter what decision you make, I don't even care if you become the best young lady in the world, June. You are and will always be, my little girl. Forever."

At that moment, in his daughter's bedroom, while he was hugging her so tight to his chest, he wrote another memory in his brain.

That he will never forget.

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