One kiss - Chris Evans

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A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I posted a story, but I had no inspiration, and felt like everything I wrote sucked. But hopefully, this won't! This is something I wrote quickly. Hopefully, you guys will like it. If you guys ever want to send a request, ask anything, recommend, vent, or just want to talk to me, please do! My inbox is open for anything.

Feedback is always welcome. Hope you guys enjoy xxx

English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any ( grammar ) mistakes.

Happy reading <3

I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.

When Chris woke up in the morning, there was a soft sigh that leaves his lips. He woke up with heartwarming happiness instead of the sadness he used to experience every morning. There was no longer a sense of loneliness for him. Of course, he has a big family where they come together often and his friends where a smile never leaves his face but, at the end of the day, when he came home, he was alone.

Or worse, he was feeling lonely. Two different things. When you can be alone sometimes, the feeling of loneliness is like a disease that eats you out from the inside. According to Chris, it's the worst feeling ever.

But thanks to you and his daughter, he never has to feel that emotion again. Because now, when he arrives home, he sees his daughter playing with her toys, a wife who watches that same daughter with such gratitude in her eyes, and peace.

Every time Rana's little eyes look up and catch her father, Chris swears his heart skips a beat. Her eyes shine and a wonderful sound leaves her mouth. She giggles, dropping everything she has, and runs towards her favorite man in the entire world. Chris is already ready to catch her, on his knees with open arms, about the hug the best present you got him. And when that magical moment happens and Rana hugs him, Chris feels like he is in heaven. His eyes close as he lets her smell fill up his nostrils and embraces that little girl as tightly as he can. The world around him gets quiet, and only the two of them exist, at that moment. Then, Chris opens his eyes, and sees you, standing there. A smile shows on his face that reflects yours. The eyes that resemble Rana's are sparkling, and your hands are in your back pockets, patiently waiting for your turn.

You know how important those little moments are since Chris was away a lot, so you never interrupted. But then Chris puts Rana back down and reaches out for you, his wife. His hands are touching the fabrics you're wearing while his eyes are trying to take your features in. His lips catch yours in a quick kiss, while his hands don't want to leave your waist for a while. His face finds a perfect spot in your neck, so he snuggles there and takes a deep breath. It's his favorite perfume. A quiet " I missed you so much" leaves his lips, like he doesn't want anyone else to hear. Your hands found comfort on his shoulders, tugging him close to your body. His heartbeat was the only thing you heard, and you just closed your eyes and listened.

And this was the routine that Chris created with his family. So he knew that when he woke up today, it would be the same. He would leave for work, think about you guys all day, come back, and would be greeted with happiness. When he looked next to him, Chris saw you were peacefully sleeping. He wished he could control himself from not touching you, but he was selfish. So he slowly reached out to you, his hands taking place on your waist and his head on your neck, just like when he comes from the set. He places a few kisses on your neck and watches you slowly wake up.

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