The little Prince - Chris Evans

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A/N: English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes.

Feedback, requests, questions, recommendations or just vents are always welcome.

happy reading <3

Warnings: curse words, fluff

I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.

It was a known fact that the whole world was in love with your husband. His laugh, his body, his personality, every single thing about him made him attractive to those eyes who saw him. Of course, you wouldn't be the one to say that you didn't love those features about him, god no. But, it wasn't exactly why you fell for him. His body, his smirk. Those were all cherries on top.

His wisdom made him so attracted to you.

Chris is a very smart person. He had more knowledge than any boyfriend he had before. The books he read, the shows he watched, to the podcast he listened to, every single thing was informative. And it was so fucking hot. Not only did he share this knowledge with you, he did it because he knew how much you like this side of you. There are men who degrade their partners publicly and even privately when they don't know informative about a certain subject.

Chris wasn't like that. Ever. He passed down the information he knew, like a teacher, so that you could learn something that you didn't know about.

"Hey, did you know that leatherback sea turtles have existed in their current form since the age of the dinosaurs? Fucking crazy if you ask me."

He told you once while the two of you had dinner. Chris just came back from shooting his newest movie that day, and you made him his favorite meal as a welcome surprise.

"Really? I didn't know that. That's so cool!"

"I know right!"

And that's how your conversations always turned out to be. Chris told you little facts, you get excited and happy, and Chris gets happy when you get happy.

He didn't even realize that you enjoyed him sharing facts with you until you were engaged. Normally, Chris would read his favorite podcast, hear an unknown fact that he never heard before, tell that to his friends, and watch how they made fun of him, jokingly. That's what Chris thinks, at least.

"Dude, you're fucking Captain America. Why are you spending your time listening to podcasts and reading books when you can spend it on hot supermodels."

They never understood him. His close friends did. They always encouraged him to enlarge his knowledge, but the rest were a bunch of assholes.

The books he read, it gave him peace. It felt like every time he opened a new book; he entered his own world where he had no anxiety, and no one was judging him. He liked it there, so he read many books as he could. Plus, they actually taught him stuff, so what could he lose?

Dates. That's was one thing he didn't even know about. Every time he went on a date, he knew that none of these women were interested in the introvert Chris, who would rather spend his times at home reading a book than go out partying. They all came to see Chris Evans, the actor who was extremely hot.

Chris hated that. Because he knew, that if he didn't look the way he did, no one would fall in love with him for the way he was. Except for you. But Chris still can't comprehend how you he got you to call his wife.

Chris saw you for the first time in a bookstore, not far away from his home. He finished yet another book in his marathon, by staying at home as much as he could. It felt like his brain was on fire with all the information it had to process, so he went to buy a breather, a book that he loved the most : the little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Funnily enough, you also went to buy the same book, so both of your hands connected, trying to reach for it. Your hands weren't the only thing that connected with Chris. His eyes connected with your too and his soul too. He felt hard to breathe looking at you, but if he didn't, he felt like he was going to die. There weren't enough words in the English language to describe what you did to him. Here he was, being a person who read more books than an average male in America, and still he couldn't put in words how gorgeous you were. His brain was completely empty.

You were the one who ended up buying the book. There was no way that Chris wouldn't let you get the book, so bought it for you. Plus, there was something else he wanted, and that was your phone number. After getting him coffee as a thank you, the two of you exchanged numbers, and the rest is history. Chris fell madly in love you, for being so incredibly beautiful, generous, kind, but also being supportive of his hobby's, and never making fun of him. Oh, and also for giving the best birthday presents.

"Okey, let's see what we got here." After everyone left your husband's birthday party, the two of you were in the living room, having a private moment. The both of you didn't like gatherings that much, so you kept the presents and gave them until everyone was gone, just like now.

"I am excited. Open it already!" Your heart was beating incredibly fast, and you couldn' control your hands somehow. Giving presents was a big deal, because you always kept in mind that it such has a sentimental attachment to it, it is what Chris loves the most.

"Okay, calm down, honey. You're more excited than I am." After kissing you on the cheek, he slowly opened the wrapping paper, and got a close look at what you got him.

He couldn't believe it. The little Prince.

The book that he got you years ago, the same book that was the reason of the both of you knowing each other, was in his hands. And you kept it. All these years.

"Wow, I don't know what to say." He felt like he was the same Chris from many years ago. His brain was empty. It felt hard to breathe, and all he wanted to do was kiss you until he couldn't. These emotions, he never read about them. No book discussed this. It was you, who thought him how to fall in love, so helpless. He didn't care, at all.

He felt like the luckiest guy, in the world to be falling in love, with you.

"Thank you so much, honey. This is the best present I ever got."

He embraced you in his hug, where you buried your face in his chest and he buried his in your hair. No words were spoken, because the both of you were in your safe places. Chris felt deeply in his heart that, you were, without the doubt, the most beautiful thing that ever happened to him.

"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart."

- The little prince.

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