Wildest Dreams - 2 (Seri POV) (RiRi)

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Two Lines.
Two Lines Se Ri had feared to see.

As much as she was happy that this little one growing in her was one of the living evidences of her and Jeong Hyeok's love for eachother. But dragging another being into her and Jeong Hyeok's current way of seeing eachother is just too cruel for Se Ri especially as it was a kid she was bringing this into. Though Se Ri decided she'd keep it. It was her child, their child and she doesn't want to do any big decisions for the child without talking it out with Jeong Hyeok.

Now at her first doctors appointment, Se Ri was too nervous. She had wished Jeong Hyeok could be with her at this moment. Their first time meeting the little one in her.
Patiently waiting for her name to be called on, Se Ri's head was filled with thoughts that scared her to the brim.

What if Jeong Hyeok wouldn't be able to comeback in Switzerland?
What if he isn't able to qualify for the North Korean team?

All she could do was wait. Now called Se Ri makes her way to the doctor's room.

"Hello Mrs. Yoon please lay down on the bed and let's get started." The doctor greets Se Ri.

Now laying on the bed the doctor starts lifting Se Ri's shirt and starts rubbing the cold gel onto Se Ri's stomach. As the doctor looks for the baby in Se Ri's stomach as the doctor finally locates the baby Se Ri starts tearing up. It was their child. A symbol of their love for each other. Now hearing the baby's heartbeat Se Ri finally gives in and sobs tears of joy. After a few minutes the doctor prescribes Se Ri with vitamins and gives Se Ri copies of her first ultrasound.

Se Ri arrives at her apartment to see lights turned on in her living room. She spots a woman in a bun sitting on her couch. It was Se Ri's eomma, Han Jeong Yeon.

"Good evening eomma, how long have you been waiting?" Se Ri asks as she fiddles with the vitamins she was trying to hide.

"Not long ago Se Ri, here I brought some of your favorite kimchi, our cook made some earlier." Her eomma replies as she hands as she opens the kimchi and places it on Se Ri's dining table.

A wave of nausea hits Se Ri. She drops the paper bag she was holding and ran quickly as she could to her restroom. While Se Ri was running towards the restroom, Se Ri's eomma couldn't help but notice the paper bag that dropped to the floor. The bottles of vitamins rolling onto the floor caught Jeong Pyeong's attention. 'Pregnancy Vitamins' read the first bottle Jeong Yeon could spot. But her motherly instinct decided to follow Se Ri for now.

"Se Ri are you alright," Jeong Yeon asks her daughter that was gagging the food she had consumed not while ago.

Se Ri nods in response to her mother. "Are you really sure Se Ri?" Jeong Yeon asks again while rubbing her daughter's back to ease the nausea.

Now back in the living room trying to avoid the smell of the kimchi that sent her gagging in the restroom Se Ri tells her mother the real deal.

"Eomma, I'm pregnant. I'm sorry if your dissapointed in me, I understand why."

"Se Ri why would we be disappointed in you, you know me and you abeoji are not getting any younger and we are wishing for a grandchild right? But Se Ri what about the father? Does Jeong Hyeok know?" Her mother replies while rubbing Se Ri's shoulders to calm her down from her sobs.

"I don't know eomma, I suppose I'll bring our child with me next year then. That's the onlt way I know eomma." Se Ri speaks in between her sobs.

"It's alright Se Ri. We'll figure this out together. But what about the press? What story will we tell."

"I plan on announcing the pregnancy after the bump gets big. But regarding the father, it will remain blank until I can talk with Jeong Hyeok."

"Alright then Se Ri, anything you want to do, we'll support."

The two share a warm embrace as Jeong Yeon rubs Se Ri's stomach.


Hello everyone! As promised here is Se Ri's point of view while RJH was still in hanawon. Hope all of you enjoy! And thank you to all who are supporting my story. You all know who you are! And please do give feedback and suggestions ;)

Again, votes,feedback,suggestions, and comments are deeply appreciated!

Till the next.
Love you all!

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