Truth and Dare

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Sitting in the common room they all are a bit bored and the hotness is unbearable: Well I'm talking about about the weather not Sirius' okay?(hehe!)

He has tied his long hair in a bun and has started whistling and many Girls' heart starts beating fast. Moony looks around for a bit for no reason and then_

"You should not be that much bored though Padfoot.. you should enjoy". Well he says quite irritably and the reason is obviously those over excited girls crushing on Sirius.

"Who want to play Truth and Dare? Raise your hand". - Pettigrew shouts and immediately 3 hands are raised, well they are Marlene, Dorcas and Mary.

"I'm not in the mood right now", Remus says softly. Sirius immediately snatches his book from his hand and says, "Yes we'll play". Remus sighs-"Ughh this DOG!!".

The game starts with two tiny bottles of Veritaserum.

"What the heck-"

James winks, "Dude great ideas are always with meh". They are about to start the game but suddenly the CR door opens and a red haired girl is seen.

"Lily!!" Remus goes to her"wanna play?". It is Lily Evans, James Potter's love interest and when she says yes to Remus, Sirius winks and James becomes like about to faint. Because he is damn sure his feelings for Lily gonna get exposed.

"Hi Lily!" James says and the game starts, Lily smiles and Sirius starts tickling him.

"Okay so we'll start with Lupin"

"Why me Wormtail!" _ Remus hisses and he ignores.

"What do you love the most?", James is eagerly waiting to know but, "CHOCOLATES", Moony replies and the whole common room fills with laughter.

"Ahh shoot...he should have asked WHO instead of WHAT"- A low voice says but WHO you'll get to know later..

After James, Lily, Marlene it's Sirius' turn and James has been waiting for this moment.

"Who ate Moony's chocolate that night?"

_"Me!" Sirius replies and James is like "Lily! I want something interesting!" James winks her but hearing Sirius' answer Remus smacks his head- "So it is you!I was thinking it's Peter!!"

Peter lets out a dramatic sob.

"Wait wait- so Sirius let us know your crush' name's first letter. Well I'm a good guy so not saying to reveal full.." Everyone is staring at Sirius and James seems a bit over excited. Sirius goes pink but he has to do this.

-"M" he says and James' face goes dry. Here's Marlene, Mary with 'M' , they both becomes like'wait a minute' and Dorcas gives him a deadly look.

"Who's that Sirius? The lucky Girl?" Lily is quite interested and when Sirius is about to say something Moony gets up fast and goes to the dorm without uttering a single word. Everyone seems thunder stricken.

"What was that dude?" James asks Sirius slowly being confused..

🌻Well guys I have published this part ll too. And the picture used in the cover is collected from google, pinterest. I dunno who the artist is..but I'm really in love with his/her work.🌻

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