Pr. Slughorn's Potion Class

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Then comes the Potion Class of Professor Slughorn .Really a bright day and he appears with his as usual bubbly nature.

"Students we will start the class after everyone comes as I see two is missing.."

"It's Marlene and Sirius sir!" _ A Gryffindor guy shouts and Remus, who is standing beside Evans feels a weird, bizzare kind of sensation.

"Is it that 'M'?" Pettigrew shouts and almost everyone listens but suddenly..

"Professor I'm here.. sorry, I fell asleep" _ It's Marlene Mckinnon, continuously yawning and rubbing eyes. Professor bursts out laughing and Remus is like :

"Whoa cool! Oh Merlin!"

"MAY I COME IN PROFESSOR? SORRY FOR BEING LATE" _ Sirius Black being so much polite enters the class with a messy bun, some loosened hair and messy robe - no doubt he has run fast to join here.

Remus lupin cannot take his eyes off and Sirius stares back and WHOA! EYE CONTACT! Moony blushes a bit though acts like nothing happened while Sirius smiles a bit.

"So, we start here, Less talk! Less talk!"

He starts the the class..Some listens while some not... specially LUPIN. Sirius is often looking at him and immediately after that saying something to James while Lily watching the whole drama without uttering a single word.

"Well RJ Lupin..Mr. Lupin!"

Without getting answer he proceeds_

"He seems to get lost in Mr. Black!"

Remus goes pink And Sirius has like listened a long waited stuff...

"Profe-professor.. I-umm-me " - he stammers.

"Would you mind Mr Black come to Lupin and Lily you to James ? No no Lupin I think he should come to you.."

Remus and James both goes tomato red, the class resumes by Pr. Slughorn but whole class's center now is the duo.

"What were you doing Moony?" Sirius smirks.

"Shut up DOG!"

When the class ends without waiting a single second Remus runs towards his dorm And Black winking James runs behind him.

"What was I doing?How dumb! Everyone saw that..."

"What did everyone see Moony? You staring at me?"

Sirius' mind has decided something else well better to mention James has tricked a bit too.

"Lupin? I'm talking to you... would you mind telling me what were you doing? Uh uh look at my eyes"

Remus seems to lose his words, he tries his best not to look at Sirius but he fails.

"I gotta go dude"

"Nope, you'll after answering meh!" Sirius shouts.

"Moony look.. I have a lot of things to let you know but.." going closer to him he progresses-

"..I first want to know what's in your mind. Please don't be silly..these months have been really hard for me...spit that out!"

" I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you suffer...i could not help myself" looking down Lupin says.

"Why did you behave like that on that day? I thought first you thought I don't consider you good friend but now I feel there's something much more.." Sirius looks at him hopefully..

"What should I say?" Moony's mind is full with this thought only. He starts sweating heavily and stammering continuously when-

"What do you think myself MOONPIE?"

Now that 'Moonpie' word has worked like an arrow on Moony's chest.

"What? When did you start calling me M-Moonpie from!"

"May be from today?"

Sirius goes closer and closer to him to know the answer and lupin starts going pink more and more..

"Well you're my good like brother-? "

Now this 'Brother' word makes Sirius mad-

"Whoa! It would have been better if you stood quiet instead of saying that!"

Remus notices every single motion of Sirius standing frozen..

"For your information Moony that'M' is you! Because I feel something special for may think myself a psycho but I don't care!! I like you that's it.."

Sirius says breathlessly to lupin and goes bed straight being red.

My Moonpie❤️ ~wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now