Hospital wing

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  "Remus! Hey wake up dude! This snoring Wolf!! Heyyy?"

"James wait a minute I'll do something" SPLASH!! Lupin wakes up cluelessly...

"What was that for?"

"Let's go to the hospital wing, don't ask anything.!"

Lupin's heart seems to beat fast.. without thinking twice he runs with Peter and James...

"PADFOOT!! What's on earth going on?" - He shouts in shock so loud that madam Pomfrey gives him a sharp look to stay quiet.

Sirius has broken his right arm. No doubt he did something dumb, though he thinks it would be best not to answer Moony.

"PADDY? How this happened?"

"Nowadays a lot of people having new nicknames huh? Great!" James winks.

"Umm It's PADFOOT.. I was in shock so messed up,never mind"

Sirius is in pain that is obvious through his facial expression but those 3's conversation makes him laugh.

"Well I was pulling prank and somehow that spell backfired and I fell from the tree" _ Sirius manages to say with pain.

"Take rest BTW madam! How long he would have to stay here?" - Lupin for some reason reacting in a odd way, well they all are like brother soul that's right but here's something else going on..

"3 Days Mr lupin-"

"But that's so long! How i would spend time?" He gulps "I mean we would.."

"Your crime partner should have thought about that" - Madam Pomfrey hisses.

After that scene during afternoon Lupin somehow manages to grab Potter's invisibility cloak and......YOU ALL KNOW WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT...😸

Sirius is mumbling laying in his bed like a baby. Moony sits beside him and starts thinking about something.

"Better try next time.. at lease wrap yourself well!"

Moony's heart stops beating, it's sirius' voice, he's noticed Moony cause his a bit hair has not been covered.

"Umm I came to see you, how you feeling now? Where's they?"

Sirius just keeps on staring at him moaning in pain..(Don't forget his dramatic self too.. hahaha!)

"They just left.. they were saying you were studying.."

"Yeah besides I wasn't feeling well then so now.. I- "

"That's good. I thought you don't care-cause I said...urh you know.."

"Yeah right.. I don't care.." He smirks.

"Who's there Mr. Black?" Madam Pomfrey asks listening Sirius talking-

"Uhh umm I was dreaming just ma'am" he winks at Moony and the duo spends the time together...

            [DURING NIGHT TIME]

"Somewhere my cloak went dude! Can't find that since afternoon".

James and Peter are finding that like maniacs while Remus is emptying glasses after glasses of water.

"Some thieves might be roaming around at Hogwarts" Remus tells with clogged voice.

"I'll honestly smack his face if i figure out who's that" - James is totally red in anger when Remus says smirking-

"Cool down...think about Evans".

James immediately goes pink but winks saying-

"You better think about your Paddy dude that's good".

"Shut up prongs!" Remus leaves the dorm in great embarrassment. A horrible psychological turmoil is destroying Remus and Sirius from
inside specialy destroying Remus.

"Moonpie!! Oh sorry Moony!"

"Shhh..don't shout! she's gonna scream ate anything Paddy? PADFOOT?" Remus corrects his word.

"Paddy was best though" He smiles weakly " know Moony..."

"Moonpie would be better-"

"Okay so, Moonpie I'll be discharged tomorrow"

Remus somehow manages to hide the smile "Great! I was thinking how I would spend 2whole nights without y-"

Sirius raises an eyebrow as he's still a bit hopeful that Remus feels something for him.

"...Well, (Remus coughs) we're fourheads so it would be tough without you.."

"So umm will you go to your dorm or-?" Sirius eagerly waiting for his Mooie's answer.

"I took this cloak and-"

"James and Peter finding right?"

"They said you? Did you tell my name!" Remus gasps.

"Stay here tonight.. I'll be happy" Sirius smiles and 2 four poster beds remains empty for tonight....

🌻Hello...thank you so much for reading...lemme know did you enjoy or not...🌻love Love....
Next part coming soon....

My Moonpie❤️ ~wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now