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"What the h*ll going on dude?"

Sirius is roaming with an ' I'm taken' written paper in his back. We all know how much dramatic he is.

'who's the lucky girl?' - Everyone's mind starts getting confused with this question and Moony, wherever he goes, getting seen with a large, thick book in front of his face. Well the picture isn't unfamiliar because every single soul knows he is a book-worm but now the reason is different.

"Who's she?" Peter smirks ,"James isn't even saying anything.."

Sirius flips his long, gorgeous hair to act normal but it's really hard to hide his rosy pink cheeks.

"You'll figure that out soon dude, who's he.."

"He?" Peter is shocked, thinks Sirius is seriously joking..

"Yup it's 'he' not 'she'. I gathered confidence to confess to him" Sirius smiles and Peter nods smiling too.

"Don't forget about the class. We'll miss that" Sirius runs to the Transfiguration class with Peter and soon spots James who's standing with Lily Evans, giggling like a mad no doubt he loves her,lover her company.

At first Sirius thinks Moony is absent but soon his eyes catches that freckled faced,tall boy ; he is sitting with his book piles and-


Whole class stares at Sirius including recently Pr. McGonagall and Remus hides his face in awkwardness.

"Uh_(coughs) Moony..I mean Lupin''

Peter and James look at Moony and then Sirius, while James winks.

"Well well Mr Black have a sit" Professor says.

"Why did you shout with that name?" Remus whispers.

"Well I lost control sorry.. BTW I didn't do anything wrong!" Sirius smirks and suddenly holds Remus'hand under the bench.

"What are- y-you-...!?"

"Shhh! It feels your long arms actually..."

"What a flirting skill ! I -"

Remus is about to say something but alas! Pr Mcgonagall has come beside them staring.

"Is this any gossip class Mr lupin? Mr Black?"

They stands up apologizing forgetting to detach their hands.

"You're taken right Mr Black? "

Listening these Lupin stares at the whole class and notices that they are the center of attention and that stag is smirking continuously at them !!

"Yes Professor...BTW how do you know?"

"Shut up Mr.Black ...!"

"We are sorry Professor..we won't talk further in class" - Lupin squeezes Sirius' hand to stop and manages to say that.

"Okay...but if I listen any complaint about two gonna have detention " She goes furiously to her desk.

"I'm extremely sorry Moonpie" Sirius apologizes and Remus just nods..

"Don't talk again Padfoot... she's still staring at us"

Mcgonagall starts flipping pages and asking questions.

"What the bloody hell going on dude! Why holding my hands again? She's gonna notice and we would have detention!"

"Nothing will just stay quiet okay?"

Something is really in Padfoot's voice that Moony cannot deny his words. Class goes on in full swing but nothing hits the duo's minds.

"So, students we'll meet tomorrow . Prepare your lessons well"

James and Peter runs towards Sirius and James asking and teasing what was going on.

"Well I would say something Peter.."

"Stop Sirius better go to room"

"Nope Moony, look it's Remus who I'm dating... remember? I told you it's 'he' not 'she' hmh?"

Moony's face becomes totally pink and Peter stands with open-mouth.

"Oww that's cool.. congrats! 'Moonpie' huhh?" Peter smirks and Sirius rests his hand on Moony's shoulder. The four heads towards their dorm...

"Today she was literally furious! The cat was roaring instead of meawwing" Sirius laughs hard when suddenly-

"Mr. Black! Detention!!"


🌻So, have you ever held your partner's hand in class? Kinda confession type of question though lol...

What do you think about the next part? Any guess? xx

My Moonpie❤️ ~wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now