Chapter 7

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Tianci looked at Huo Lei with his mouth wide open, shocked.

    Did he hear Leilei and Leilei?

    Godsend thought desperately, this is over.

    Huo Lei rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked dazedly: "What time is it?"

    Godsend understood that Leilei didn't hear it, and gave him a gesture, indicating that it is two o'clock.

    Huo Lei yawned long and stretched again, his sturdy arms hugged the god-given small body into his arms.

    "What were you doing just now? Playing with mobile phones?" Huo Lei muttered with his eyes closed.

    Huo Lei's embrace was solid and warm, and Godsend lay in it, very comfortable.

    Tianci felt that when Huo Lei was sleepy and whispering, his voice was very cute, just like the cry of a kitten, which made his heart itch.

    Godsend couldn't speak, so he nodded.

.Huo Lei's big hand huffed on Tianci's head, and he flicked his head. The pain was so painful that Tianci held his head, and flopped in Huo Lei's arms.

    Godsend looked at Huo Lei with a bitter look, and Huo Lei smiled:

    "Put a little warning, the black light is blind, it is too bad for your eyes to play with your mobile phone, next time you play, remember to turn on the light, do you hear it?"

    Tianci felt a little guilty in his heart. He concealed Huo Lei, but Huo Lei was still so kind to him. He didn't know how to pay back this love.

    "Give me the phone." Huo Lei said.

    Tianci handed the phone to Huo Lei, suddenly a little worried whether Huo Lei would see the call records between him and Shao Mu.

    Fortunately, Huo Lei had no interest in Tianci's mobile phone at all, so he left the phone on the bedside table, so that Tianci couldn't reach it.

    "There is radiation, put your phone farther away when you go to bed at night."

.Tianci nodded obediently, and to be honest, he hadn't paid attention to these things before, but since Huo Lei was wholeheartedly good for him, he would never do that again in the future.

    Huo Lei is satisfied, he likes Godsend to be obedient, like a cat.

    Huo Lei asked Tianci to rest his arm and the other arm, patting Tianci's back every time.

    "Go to sleep." Huo Lei kissed his forehead.

    In Huo Lei's arms, Godsend's tense nerves were relaxed, and he was about to fall asleep. Suddenly, an inexplicable memory poured into his brain, like a needle stuck in his brain.

    A woman appeared in front of his eyes, smiling kindly, patting his back lightly, just like Huo Lei is now.

    The woman hummed nursery rhymes to coax him into sleep, and the smell of perfume lingered on the tip of God's nose.

.Tianci wanted to see the woman's appearance clearly, but the man seemed to be covered with a layer of veil. Only the corners of the mouth and the sweet smile could be seen. If you look closely, the woman disappeared.

    Tianci's mind was blank. He didn't know why he was born out of nothing, and there was such a picture in his mind.

    In his memory, his mother had never hugged him, let alone coaxed him to sleep.

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