Chapter 29

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Tianci sighed and forced himself to recover from the memory.

    The black-bone chicken soup on the stove was boiled, and Godsend got up and tried to turn off the fire. The result was too much force, and the wound on the back was suddenly pulled, and there was another severe pain.

    "Hiss——" Tianci took off his T-shirt, and was about to turn his head to check his wound, when he was surrounded by a pair of strong and warm arms around his neck.

    "Don't move," Huo Lei didn't know when he had already woke up, so he picked up the gift of heaven by his waist, and hugged him to the sofa in the living room.

    He is holding the ointment in his hand, and he wants to help Godsend to apply it and apply the medicine.

    Tianci was forced to lie on Huo Lei's lap, feeling humiliated and blushing anxiously.

    Tianci was quite dissatisfied, and twisted in Huo Lei's arms. As a result, the sensitive back nerves were affected again, and tears came out of pain all of a sudden.

.At this time, Huo Lei would definitely be amused by these little moves, but not today. Huo Lei's face seemed to be condensed with frost, without a slight smile.

    "Hey, don't move." Huo Lei pressed God's arm.

    Tianci took his elbow and hit Huo Lei's chest, and found that he was still far from Huo Lei's opponent.

    The cold ointment was applied to the wound that had just clotted. The sting caused pain in life. God-given teeth clenched, desperately holding back, not wanting to make a sound.

    After so many things, especially after the day before yesterday, the god-given spirit was completely destroyed, and then it was rebuilt abruptly.

.His heart became hard, his self-esteem became stronger and stronger, and the male consciousness hidden deep in his heart was growing wildly.

    Now, when he was pressed down on Huo Lei, he was already very resistant. He didn't want to show his weak and useless side in front of Huo Lei anymore.

    "Don't be afraid, I'm here." Huo Lei softly comforted, knowing that God was afraid of pain.

    He stretched his left arm in front of Tianci: "Here."

    Tianci looked at Huo Lei suspiciously.

    Huo Lei said, "If you bite, it won't hurt."

    Godsend hesitated, Huo Lei smiled and patted him on the head, "Bite it, why are you polite with brother?"

    Tianci felt sour and bit Huo Lei's arm.

.Huo Lei helped Tianci wipe the wound and whispered: "I helped you take the medicine three times yesterday, and there should have been one at noon today. I fell asleep, and you didn't know to call me, so the medicine was delayed."

    What Huo Lei didn't say was that when he saw the bloody, flaring, and shocking wounds on the white and tender back of Godsend, his heart hurt almost fainted.

    Godsend nodded, indicating that he was listening.

    It hurts when applying the medicine. Tianci didn't dare to bite Huo Lei hard at first, but now he has to increase his strength.

    Huo Lei's face was calm and waveless, as if he couldn't feel the slightest pain.

    But in fact, Huo Lei's hand on the medicine has been trembling, hurting Tianci, but the pain is in his heart.

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