Chapter 56

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Zhang Longjie realized that something was wrong, and after getting permission from God, he went to his hometown and "invited" Zhao Yan.

This Zhao Yan was also a idiot. At the beginning, she was still stubborn. When the police came and put her in jail, the first trial, within a few days, she recruited everything.

It turns out that 23 years ago, Zhao Yan married a god-given adoptive father. Although the two were born in poverty, but at any rate they truly love each other, and life is too tight.

Within a few months of marriage, Zhao Yan became pregnant.

Zhao Yan gave birth to this child hopefully, only to find out later that this child was actually a fool.

The two took the child to seek medical treatment and came to the conclusion that this is an inherited disease in the family of the god-given father, with a recessive gene, and there is no way to cure it.

Zhao Yan was confused at the time.

.God-given father was hit, and he was devastated, drinking and gambling all day long, and occasionally beat Zhao Yan to get angry.

Zhao Yan pulled the child by herself, going crazy.

She looked at the young child and felt terribly distressed.

She would definitely take good care of the child while she was still alive.

But, in the future, she died?

Who will take care of this child?

Normally, in a village, there will always be such a family that gives birth to a silly son.

That family usually regenerates a child, giving birth to a child with normal intelligence, and let the child with normal intelligence take care of the stupid child.

However, Zhao Yan was in trouble.

She didn't dare to have another child.

First, the relationship between her and her husband broke down; second, she gave birth to a second child, what if she was also a fool?

.She raises two children alone, and she has to take care of her father-in-law, and she must not be exhausted!

Finally, after being broken by her husband once, she couldn't stand it anymore, and threw the child to her mother-in-law, and went to the city alone to make a living.

Yunding is really big, there are tall buildings everywhere.

Washing dishes, washing dishes, sweeping the road, picking up trash... She has done all these tasks. Every day when the wind comes and the rain goes, she wants to make more money for her children, and wait until the future for her children. Marry a daughter-in-law and let her daughter-in-law raise him, and if the daughter-in-law has a child, the child can raise him.

But she earned too little money, and she was not satisfied.

So she switched jobs frequently, until by chance, she succeeded in getting into the Zhang family and became a housekeeping nanny.

.Zhang Jiagang gave birth to two young masters. His wife was still in confinement. She had seen the two young masters through the door. They were all white and clean, with big watery eyes, so cute and cute.

The wife of the Zhang family is also good for life. She married a good husband, is rich, and looks tall and mighty. The key is to treat her well and never beat her.

After a long time, Zhao Yan's heart will inevitably be a little unbalanced.

When she saw Mrs. Zhang's smile, she began to think secretly, why can she be so happy! Why can't you do it by yourself?

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