Chapter 52

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In the morning, Shao Mu went to deliver breakfast to Huo Lei as usual.

    He remembered what Huo Lei likes to eat, and he woke up very early and prepared something for Huo Lei.

    In the room, Huo Lei sat on the bed blankly, looking out the window without blinking.

    "Little Alei?" Shao Mu called him.

    Huo Lei turned his head slowly and smiled when he saw Shao Mu.

    The sun shines through the window, and Huo Lei's smile turns against the light, looking beautiful and warm.

    Shao Mu's heart jumped immediately.

    "Are you here to pull?" Huo Lei said with a smile.

    "Well," Shao Mu's face turned red all at once.

    He excitedly said: "Little Alei, you are finally willing to pay attention to me."

    Huo Lei stretched out his hand, touched Shao Mu's head, and said, "Did you do well in the college entrance examination? Why did you go home so long?"

.Shao Mu: "..."

    Shao Mu asked Huo Lei to eat and went out by himself.

    After a while, Shao Mu took a man into the room.

    Huo Lei finished his meal and was sitting on the sofa, quietly reading a book.

    "Who is he?" Huo Lei asked.

    "A friend." Shao Mu said.

    "Oh..." Huo Lei nodded.

    The man sat and talked with Huo Lei for a while, asked him some questions, and Huo Lei basically answered him.

    After sitting for a while, Shao Mu sent the man out.

    "What's the matter with him?" Shao Mu asked.

    The doctor replied: "Postpartum depression, there is a risk of developing major depression, and is accompanied by hysteria."

.For a long time, Shao Mu murmured: "No wonder, he treated me as someone else."

    After Shao Mu returned, he sat in the room and watched Huo Lei for a long time.

    Until the evening, Shao Mu was awakened by a harsh police siren.

    Shao Mu put earphones on Huo Lei, locked the door, rushed to the room, and shouted at the embers: "What's the matter?!"

    Embers sweated on his forehead and cheeks, and said, "Master! It's the police! It's too late! We are already surrounded!"

    Shao Mu lay on the windowsill and looked down, under the branches and green leaves, as if several police cars had already been parked. Police officers with real guns and live ammunition were getting out of the car and quickly gathered towards Shao Mu's villa.

    "Why don't you notify me?!" Shao Mu roared.

    Embers: "I just saw it just now, I was about to inform the master, it was too late."

    "Open the door!".The police-cha took a megaphone and shouted, "You are already surrounded. You are suspected of murdering others. Please hand over the hostages and come with us!"

    "Damn it!" Shao Mu punched the wall with a fist, "What have I done, how would the police-inspector know?!"

    Then, when he saw She Fengjiao and Huo Ziyu who were tortured by the police-chat, he suddenly stopped.

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