Chapter 54

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The vigorous farce is finally over. In the end, She Fengjiao and Huo Ziyu both went to prison.

    She Fengjiao poisoned Huo Ming, poisoned Hongxing, bought the driver to cause a car accident and nearly killed Hongxing, and instigated Huo Ziyu to poison Huo Lei...The crimes were so numerous that even the judge felt cold.

    In the end, She Fengjiao was sentenced for many years, and it is estimated that when she is released from prison, she will already be an old woman.

    Huo Ziyu voluntarily surrendered, took a lighter note, and was sentenced to three years.

    When Huo Ziyu police-cha took away, Huo Ming personally came to deliver him.

    Huo Ziyu Qiang held back his tears and said in a low voice, "Dad, I'm sorry, my son is a sinner, and I'm ashamed of you."

    Huo Ming hugged him and said, "No, son, you are the pride of Dad."

."In the Huo Family Assets, the share of dad will always be reserved for you and Ziao, son, make a good transformation, dad waits for you to come out."

    "Well," Huo Ziyu nodded his head and bid farewell to his father tearfully.

    Even if this matter came to an end, the next day, Tianci received a call from Xia Xiaojie.

    Tianci is still a little surprised, what is Xia Xiaojie looking for?

    Godsend politely asked: "Brother Xiaojie, are you getting better?"

    Xia Xiaojie nodded, and the voice came from the phone and downstairs at the same time. He smiled and said, "Godsend, come down and take you to a place."

    Tianci was a little puzzled. Xia Xiaojie honked the car horn and heard a beep. Tianci looked downstairs through the window and Xia Xiaojie's car stopped downstairs.

    After saying hello to Huo Lei, Tianci got into Xia Xiaojie's car.

    "Why do you think of looking for me?".Tianci asked while sitting in the co-pilot.

    Xia Xiaojie released the handbrake, stepped on the clutch, and the car started slowly. He smiled and said, "You'll know later."

    On the way, Godsend thought for a while and asked, "Go to Zhang's house and see Hongxing?"

    Xia Xiaojie nodded, trying hard to hold back a smile.

    The brilliant sun was shining on the sparkling sea, and cars drove along the loose seaside boulevard.

    When he arrived at Zhang's house, Godsend got off the car, Xia Xiaojie was afraid that his head would touch the roof of the car, and said, "Be careful."

    Godsend was amused secretly, wondering in my heart, when did this Xia Xiaojie change her sex? You are so attentive to yourself?

    Xia Xiaojie didn't say anything, and the two went upstairs together.

    Hongxing was lying on his big bed, his figure was still thin, but his small face finally became bloody. When he saw Tianci and Xia Xiaojie, his face immediately put on a bright smile.

."Brother Godsend, Brother Xiaojie." He shouted.

    "Well," Xia Xiaojie sat down, touched Hongxing's head casually, and asked, "How is your brother's recovery recently?"

    Hongxing smiled and nodded, and said, "It's not a big problem. I have a bit of a fracture after the car accident. After a month, I will be able to get off the ground slowly."

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