Chapter 18

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Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the beginning of the school season in September each year.

    The night before school started, Tianci was so excited that he couldn't sleep for a long time.

    After a while, he got up, touched the new book that Huo Lei bought for him, and rubbed the book cover that Leilei personally wrapped for him; after a while, he opened the book bag that was already packed, and then checked it again and again.

    Huo Lei became impatient after tossing, and said with a stinky expression:

    "You just go back to your house and sleep with your two books!"

    Godsend then reluctantly put down the book and climbed onto the bed. After all, no matter how important school is, it cannot be more important than his Lei Lei.

    Tianci obediently got into Huo Lei's arms, wrapped his small arm around Huo Lei's neck, and gave him a kiss on his face.

    Huo Lei was satisfied and closed his eyes with a yawn.

.The next day, Tianci woke up early, and sat on Huo Lei excitedly and shook him awake.

    Huo Lei lifted the quilt, his balance was not well controlled, and he suddenly rolled under the bed, his small head hit the ground, and he made a painful "chi-".

    Huo Lei got out of bed and found out that Godsend had prepared breakfast early.

    "Not bad," Huo Lei sat in a chair, "I've grown up and know that I'll take care of my brother."

    He slapped his god-given hair casually, "Let me see, have you knocked it out?"

    Godsend was praised by Huo Lei, and he felt more happy in his heart.

    He smiled and shook his head, staring at Huo Lei with big watery eyes, turning around.

    Leilei, I am willing to take care of you and always take care of you. Xiao Tianci thought.

.Huo Lei stuffed bread in his mouth, his hand flicked the head of Godsend again, and Godsend was so painful that he screamed at his head.

    Huo Lei was amused by him and laughed loudly, "Teach you a little lesson, remember, after you wake me up, and dare to climb on top of me, I will play more painful than this."

    God gave a pitiful sip of milk, full of resentment.

    The more Huo Lei didn't let him climb on him, the more Godsend wanted to do it.

    Try it next time, Godsend is proud of it.

    If you are bombed, you will be bombed.

    After having breakfast in a hurry, Huo Lei took the gift of God and went to meet Huo Zihuan and Huo Zitian.

    The two twin sisters, both 17 years old this year, are enrolled in Yundian No. 1 Middle School, the best high school in Yundian County. It's time for the second year of high school when school starts.

.Huo Lei wants to send Tianci to school, so naturally he wants him to go to the best. Therefore, the school chosen by Tianci is also Yundian No. 1 Middle School.

    Huo Lei originally planned to let Tianci start from the first year of high school, after all, Tianci dropped out after graduating from junior high school.

    But Godsend resolutely refused, thinking that he was 18 and too old. Moreover, I have taught myself the knowledge of the first year of high school, so I have to go directly to the second year of high school when I say anything.

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