Chapter 48

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After Shao Mu woke up, he couldn't swallow this breath anyway.

    The first thing he did was to launch a more violent attack on the Huo family.

    Tianci is very busy with the Huo family's affairs. For this reason, it has been a long time since he went to school.

    Huo's funds have a huge loophole, and under Shao Mu's successive attacks, he has been unable to recover.

    However, Tianci was keenly aware that Huo Shi had not yet reached the point where the oil was exhausted.

    If, with financial support, Huo's may be able to survive for a while.

    In any case, it is always better to survive than to become a vassal of the Shao family.

    After much deliberation, Tianci decided to try his luck.

    Yunding has four major families. The Huo family is the first, the Shao family is the second, the Zhang family is the third, and the Gu family is the fourth.

.Since Shao Yang's accident, Tianci has not contacted Hongxing again.

    Therefore, Tianci didn't really want to go to Zhang's house for help, so as not to see Hongxing and embarrass each other.

    Furthermore, the Zhang family was also seriously affected by this economic crisis.

    So, in the end, Godsend was neatly dressed and went out to visit Gu's house.

    The Gu family is Ding Liaoluo, the head of the family is Gu Hancheng, and the only teenager is Xia Xiaojie.

    According to the legend of the rivers and lakes, Gu Hancheng ranks among the four major families with the power of one person. His strength cannot be underestimated.

    The Gu family was basically unaffected by this economic crisis. Based on this, Godsend estimated that Gu Hancheng's ability might not be under Huo Ming's.

    As for what the person is like, whether it is good or not to speak, Godsend is not sure, so I have to be cheeky and try borrowing money.

.When God's gift arrived, Gu Hancheng was dealing with group affairs calmly.

    Gu Hancheng is tall, with broad eyebrows and deep eyes. His appearance is full of masculinity. He is over forty. Because he insists on exercising all the year round, he is not the slightest old man, and he exudes the charm of a mature man.

    Gu Hancheng put aside his affairs, sent someone to the Tianci Pai to sit and serve tea, and the two sat opposite each other in the pavilions and pavilions in the early spring.

    With the sound of gurgling water in his ears, Gu Hancheng regretfully said: "I heard that Brother Huo passed away, and Gu was busy with company affairs. In order to be able to go to express my condolences, I also hope Mr. Haihan."

    He probably knew the identity of Tianci. Although Tianci was young, Gu Hancheng respected his etiquette, and he didn't mean to look down upon the younger generation.

    Tianci expressed his gratitude to Gu Hancheng, and respectfully called him his uncle.

.Gu Hancheng was overjoyed when he heard it. He looked at the gift of God, and suddenly smiled: "You don't have to be cautious, just treat it as your own home. I think you are very kind when I see you."

    This was a godsend and couldn't tell, whether it was polite or sincere, I had to smile awkwardly.

    God-given is handsome, Gu Hancheng likes this junior very much, and he is no longer polite, and speaks out his heart:

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