Chapter 51

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Shao Mu was looking at an economic report leisurely, taking a sip from time to time with his teacup.

    It's been a year, and there will never be a day to make him as happy as he is today--

    Zhang Hongxing was in a car accident, Xiao Tianci estimated that he would know his true identity soon, and if Zhang Hongxing died, Xiao Tianci would also have to die of sorrow.

    As for Zhang Longjie, let alone.

    An "accidental" car accident directly destroyed the power holders of the Huo and Zhang families, and Gu Hancheng was obviously not close to the same level as the Zhang family.

    This means that in the near future, the Shao family will be the only one in Yunding, and will call the wind and the rain.

    Who can live faster than Shao Mu in this world?

    "Master! Master!" Embers hurriedly pushed the door in. The door slammed against the wall with a loud "bang--" noise.

    "What's the matter? What is the name of the ghost?".Shao Mu frowned slightly.

    "Master, something happened to Huo Lei!" Embins said.

    Shao Mu: "!!!"

    He got up from the chair and shouted, "What! What happened to Xiao Alei?!"

    Embers was so panicked that he could hardly catch his breath. "It is difficult to give birth. When I was sent to the hospital, people and people were already dead..."

    Shao Mu's brain suddenly "boomed".

    In the car, the big hands of Embers holding the steering wheel were shaking slightly, and Shao Mu roared: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

    Shao Mu had scarlet eyes and slightly trembling lips, and murmured, "Why? It's not yet Xiao Alei's childbirth date, right?"

    Embers: "I heard that it was a heart attack, so I can't send it to the hospital. I'm afraid that adults and children will not be able to keep it..."

.Shao Mu roared like crazy: "Stop talking! Stop talking!"

    Embers drifted, and the car parked in the hospital parking lot. The two took three steps and two steps before rushing to the hospital building in a panic.

    Huo Ziyu was waiting outside the operating room, his entire face paled in shock.

    Shao Mu understood it all at once. He grabbed Huo Ziyu's collar abruptly and slammed him against the wall vigorously-Huo Ziyu banged his head against the wall and made a "boom."

    Huo Ziyu's head "buzzed--", ​​and his mind was blank. Shao Mu was pulling him and shouting, but he couldn't hear what Shao Mu was talking about.

    Shao Mu slammed down Huo Ziyu, almost vomiting blood from him, Shao Mu pounced on the door of the operating room and looked in like crazy.

    "Sir, you can't come in." The little nurse had to come out to remind.

    "How is he?.You tell me! You tell me! "Shao Mu shouted.

    The little nurse was also on the battlefield for the first time, shivering and saying: "The patient, the patient has a heart attack, and the mother and the fetus are very weak. The top doctors in our hospital are all in it. ! Sir, you can't go in!"

    Shao Mu pushed the little nurse away and rushed in desperately.

    The operating room is very large. Shao Mu is standing outside, Huo Lei is lying inside, separated by a layer of glass. Shao Mu can clearly see Huo Lei lying on the hospital bed—the latter's face is pale and gray, cheeks and lips. There was not even the slightest blood, Shao Mu hadn't seen what a dead person was like, but when he saw Huo Lei lying alone on the operating table, he was surrounded by white coats with cold faces and blood on his hands. For a moment, he suddenly realized that Huo Lei was really going to die.

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