Chapter 14

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In the afternoon of the next day, on an artificial island built from land reclamation, the Yundian Empire Commercial Building towered majestically, surrounded by the sea, and the scenery was unparalleled.

    The interior is magnificent, with gilt chandeliers, white jade floors, and all the shops in the world, all of which are the world's top luxury brands.

    Even if you look at the world, the Yundian Empire Commercial Building is ranked among the top brands in favor of top brands.

    As soon as Xiao Tianci entered the Yunding Empire commercial building, he suddenly thought he had entered the palace.

    After figuring out that Huo Lei was going to buy clothes for himself here, he was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he pulled Huo Lei's clothes back again and again.

    The clothes he grew up with were either left behind by the silly big brother, stitched and patched, and then thrown to him; or his parents bought them at the stall and bargained with others.

    He thought that Leilei wanted to buy clothes for himself, and it was acceptable for him to go to the store to buy them.

.After spending a few hundred dollars, he would just work hard.

    But how could he have thought that Leilei brought him to a shopping mall like the Yunding Empire Commercial Building, where the world's top richest people gather!

    Huo Lei touched the boy's neck, "Godsend, what's the matter?"

    Tianci hurriedly typed it to him: "Too, too expensive, let's change one."

    Huo Lei smiled, "No, it's here."

    Tianci's face flushed with anxiety, and I really realized the loss of not being able to speak. The mobile phone really didn't work at this time.

    At this time, language tends to be more powerful than thin words.

    Huo Lei said: "No matter today or in the future, your clothes can only be worn inside."

    Tianci hurriedly typed it and showed him: "It's really not necessary. It's a waste of me to wear such expensive clothes."

.There was also a crying emoticon pack behind.

    Huo Lei's heart moved, Godsend this little man is staid, and his typing is always short. This is the first time he has expressed a love package to himself.

    Huo Lei patted him on the back and said sternly: "No, the clothes here are not good for you."

    "My Huo Lei person, naturally everything has to be the best."

    Godsend's mouth is slightly open, his big eyes are watery, his brain becomes empty at once, and he can't speak for a long time.

    Own, you deserve to have such a good Lei Lei?

    Huo Lei looked into his eyes again, shrugged, and said blankly:

    "What's more, this Yundian Empire Commercial Building was originally the private property of our Huo family.

    Taking clothes from your own closet, what else is worthy or not worthy of? "

    Godsend: "..."

.Huo Lei took Godsend to try on clothes, when he heard that Huo Erye was here. The general manager of Yundian Empire Commercial Building was so scared that they all came out to lead the way in person.

    Along the way, the general manager nodded and bowed to Godsend. The godsend was holding on to Huo Lei's corners of his clothes tightly, with his little head buried low, making him awkward.

    However, he also experienced the actual meeting once, the feeling of "human beings".

    In other words, "the fox fakes the tiger's power."

    The general manager took two people, the world's top brands, whether they are restricted or customized, and walked them one by one.

    Along the way, the shop assistants poked their heads and watched the excitement through the window.

    When Huo Lei entered their store, all of them were so frightened that they didn't dare to come out.

    Huo Lei said: "Summer and autumn sportswear, T-shirts, shirts, shoes, underwear, all must be the best."

.General Manager Wei Wei Nuo: "Yes, yes..."

    "Right," Huo Lei turned his head and asked Godsend, "this year, there are 18, right?"

    Godsend nodded.

    "Some suits are also coming, and you can wear them." Huo Lei said.

    The general manager took note one by one.

    Tianci wore an exquisite suit and came out of the fitting room. She was ashamed and embarrassed that she didn't even dare to look in the mirror.

    That luxurious tuxedo, on the contrary, set his inferiority complex to the extreme.

    "Turn around and show my brother." Huo Lei raised his chin at him, smiling at the corner of his mouth.

    Tianci lowered his head and turned around, not daring to look up at Huo Lei.

    Godsend is just when the youthful spirit is about to fade, the figure is very thin, with a touch of crimson on his face, full of shy youthfulness.

.The skin on Tianci's face was unbelievably white, like an exquisite porcelain doll.

    And the tightly fitted suit pinched his waist to the extreme, a bit more bloated, and a bit less a monster.

    He tried several times in one breath, and the shop assistants looked dumbfounded, all of them blushing.

    Huo Lei was very satisfied, and then slowly said, "Send all of them to my house."

    After buying a suit, I went to buy underwear again.

    Huo Lei cut off the power directly and simply coaxed all the clerk out of that store.

    The clerk reluctantly left one by one. Huo Lei slammed the door shut with a bang, then turned his head and saw that Tianci had picked a few dark and dark gray panties, and was about to drill into the fitting room.

    Huo Lei grabbed his little arm, and the corner of his mouth hooked.

    "Try it right here."

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