Chapter 7 - A Bruce to their Ego

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2nd April- in light of the previous day's events, Damian let Marinette take a half-day yesterday, but that didn't stop her from barging in with renewed energy today, her smile wider than before.

"Morning Dami," she had called him.
He grimaced at the terrible nickname, but indulged her anyways. After all, she was the only girl he has ever liked in his life.

"Hey Marinette," he called back with faux cheer.

Her nose crunched up cutely at his lack of enthusiasm. He found that action ridiculously adorable.

As soon as realization struck him yesterday, he tried multiple ways to convince himself that it was false.

Damian Wayne does not have juvenile crushes.
Finally, he found that admitting was a way better idea.

He was finally at peace.

The MI (Marinette Instance) of the day was due to her sudden mood swing yet again.

Wayne Enterprises hires staff on basis of their capabilities or talents, not connections or behavior. It had always been like that.

After all, the staff from WE was one of the main triggers for the rise of the Joker.

So, there were several arrogant employees who had no manners. Some were straight up hooligans, while many others were clingy or flirts. But they were all talented.

There was one in particular, Chris Rogers, in the Chemicals Division, who was an irreconcilable flirt and he had his eyes locked on their Shipping Assistant,
Archie Noland.

Archie was involved in classifying and designating shipping locations for export purposes. But her post had a double meaning, for she was born with the curse of Cupid's arrow. She just loved love. And she shipped literally anyone with anyone.
OK, that just went off topic.

Anyway, Rogers had targeted young and naive Noland and kept trying to persuade her to give him a chance. Well, she was already committed, another fact to be noted.

Despite this, he stalked her to the point of harassment.

"Give up, darling," he called out today to Archie. She kept walking away from him.

"No! I told you, I'm already dating," she called back.

This was usual banter in the work place, most people refused to intervene, until he grabbed her arm, squeezing tightly to stop her.

Now touching without consent was a strict no in their premises and Damian made a move to stop it, but before he could do anything, a familiar hand untangled Chris' hand from Archie's arm.

"Look Chris," Marinette tried to explain politely, with a soft smile, "Archie, here, does not like it when you call her nicknames and pressurize her to date you. No means No."

Chris being the stubborn fellow he is, brushed her off and this had Damian's blood boiling.

"Step away, princess," He commanded cockily, "This is none of your business."

"It is when my friend is suffering," Marinette defended, her smile slowly disappearing, "And don't call me princess."

Rogers should have taken a hint. He really should have, but he continued arrogantly, "Oh ya? What are you going to do, princess? I'll do as I like," placing a hand on her shoulder.

For a moment, there was complete silence and Damian noticed the glare she gave him at the term of endearment. He had expected her to give him a scolding like he was given on seeing that smirk on his face.

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