◦•●◉✿ Chapter 5 ✿◉●•◦

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After almost getting hit in the head twice with a volleyball, I decided to head home. I thought about maybe having something to eat before doing my homework. I got my headphones out and played music on the way back. As I walked, I thought about the day I've had. An image of Oikawa flashed through my head.

"Ugh, why'd it have to be him," I grumbled to myself.

I shook my head, pushing away any other thoughts of Oikawa. I made it home safely and opened the door, taking my shoes off as I walked in. My mom peeked her head in from her office.

"Hey kiddo, how was your day?"

I rolled my eyes. "Awful. I almost don't wanna go back."

She looked at me, slightly concerned. "Were you able to make any friends?"

"Yeah, I did," I said plainly.

She gave me a confused look, but asked no further questions. Before she ducked back into her room, she turned to me once more. "By the way, I just bought cookies and stuff for hot cocoa. It's in the top cabinet if you want some," she smiled and went back to what she was doing.

I made my way to the cabinet and got out the cookies and cocoa that Mom bought. After preparing them, I took them to my room and ate while I worked on my assignments. I finished in roughly 20 minutes, as there wasn't much, and laid down on my bed to take a small nap before dinner. We had a family dinner tonight with both my parents, though there wasn't much conversation. Mom offered to do the dishes tonight, so I went back to my room and slept for the night, extremely exhausted from my first day.

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I woke up the next morning with a raging headache. I lazily wobbled out of bed and walked to my bathroom, getting the medicine out of the cabinet, then made my way down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I winced as I swallowed the pill. The rest of my morning was spent getting ready while waiting for the meds to kick in.

The walk to school was hardly bearable. Each step sent a small shock of pain to my head. I couldn't even play my music without my brain pounding at every sound. I made my way to my classroom once I was on campus and immediately laid my head down on my desk, attempting to savor what little rest I could get before lectures started. Riko noticed when she entered the room. She sat next to me and gently poked my head.

"Mmmph," I groaned and waved her hand away.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, half teasing, half concerned.

I picked my head up off the desk, but only barely. Just enough she could see my eyes. "My head hurts," I whined.

"Did you take anything for it?"

I nodded my head and closed my eyes again and ignored her the rest of the morning. She seemed to understand and wasn't all that bothered by it. As the morning went on my headache lessened and I was able to focus better, though I was mentally lagging. Between classes I asked Riko to lend me some of her notes since I could barely focus. Afterwards we met up with Kia and decided to have lunch in our classroom, so as to avoid any accidents like yesterday.

Much to my dismay, a certain boy dropped by my classroom with a wide grin on his face, followed by his spiky haired friend. I groaned inwardly and rolled my eyes. Facing the window, I pretended not to see him, hoping he would go away, but he didn't want to give up so easily. The pair of them seated themselves with us, Oikawa sitting diagonally from me since Riko and Kia were directly next to me. We had a somewhat pleasant lunch together, though I proceeded to ignore Oikawa. He kept sneaking glances at me. Though it didn't make me uncomfortable, I wish he'd stop.

"Is there anyone you like?" Kia turned to Oikawa. Her sentence caught my attention.

He looked up, cheeks puffy with food. He quickly chewed and swallowed before responding. "Yeah, I guess you could say so." He turned to me and smiled.

I immediately looked away and huffed.

Why me though?

Riko followed his glance and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Whatever," I said with sarcasm. "Can we talk about something else?"

Iwaizumi piped in. "Club work has been getting harder lately. The first years are starting to slack off with cleanup duties," he complained.

"We've been thinking about recruiting a manager. We could use the extra help," Oikawa added on to his friend's statement. "You guys know anyone who could apply?"

Oikawa and the girls looked at me expectantly. I felt their stares boring holes into my body. "Absolutely not!!" I said defiantly, crossing my arms in a big X. "There's no way in hell you'll get me to apply for something that gives me extra work, forces me to hang out with sweaty boys, and be anywhere near Oikawa," as I listed my reasons, I counted them on my finger, then glared at the boy whose name I spoke.

He dramatically feigned being wounded, but I just sighed and turned the other way, folding my arms. "No way, you can't make me, and that's final," I turned my nose up at him.

"Not even if we begged you to?" Oikawa asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Who's 'we'?" Iwaizumi said with an annoyed tone.

I peeked one eye open to look at Oikawa. "Fine then," I said. Oikawa's eyes started to sparkle. "Beg."

Oikawa's eyes stopped sparkling and gave into shock. "If you want me to join so badly, beg for it. You said you would, didn't you?" I repeated. Oikawa was stunned.

He hesitated for a moment before getting up from his seat and sitting on his knees in front of me. He took my hand ever so gently and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Y/n-san, will you please become the manager of the volleyball club and help us out?" He stared into my very soul.

I was about to tell him to beg harder when he moved my hand closer to his lips and lightly kissed the back of my hand. My face heated up so hard I nearly exploded at the gesture. I turned my head away from him, trying to hide my face.

"I- I, uhm," everyone looked at me intensely. I caved in, more embarrassed. "F- fine!! I'll come, but no promises!!"

Oikawa just about grew puppy ears and a tail as he smiled warmly and got all excited. "Aww, thanks!" He cheered and thanked me happily.

"Oh shut up!!" I lashed out at him.

After that he and Iwaizumi grabbed there things and waved goodbye to us. I sighed and hoped the rest of my lunch period would be normal, but what with Riko and Kia teasing me, I found it very hard to enjoy the rest of my meal peacefully.

What the hell did I just get myself into...

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