Chapter 67

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Joe's POV

I have no idea how long the four of us stood like that, arms locked over one another, each of us chuckling slightly. It was one of those moments where the concept of time seemed to fly out the window. I didn't mind in the slightest.

When we finally part I take a moment to really look Caspar and Laura in the eyes.

My best friend looks content again - the cheeky glint has returned to his crystal blue irises, and there is a healthy tinge to his usually pale cheeks. Not to mention the gigantic grin stretching over his face. Laura's cherry red lips are curved into the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face, and her hair glows like a beacon of light, as usual.

"Joe... Could I get a selfie? I'm a huge fan!" Says Caspar as he pulls out his phone. Eila snorts loudly and Caspar bursts into a symphony of laughter that's either directed at his own humour or the sound that escaped Eila's mouth.

"Oh shut up you idiot. Where's the car?" I say, rolling my eyes at him. In truth I don't want him to shut up - his laugh is literally music to my ears. Laura and Caspar lead us out of the gigantic airport and into the muggy heat of Los Angeles. We walk a short ways to the huge car park that is directly opposite the terminal, and we come to a stop in front of a rusty blue Toyota that looks like it can barely fit Caspars tall frame in it.

"This is what you guys have been driving around in?" I ask in disbelief.

Laura comes to the little cars defense in a heartbeat. "This old girl is a lot tougher than she looks. Just wait till we get going."

"If you say so..." I joke around as Eila and I load our bags into the surprisingly spacious boot. The seats in the car are fraying slightly, however I can instantly tell it's from years of use. It seems like this car has been well loved in it's time.

"So I suppose you guys are desperate to know what we've been up to?" Caspar says as he backs out of the parking space while simultaneously cranking the window down. It does nothing to cool down the sweltering temperature in the car, and Eila fans herself in the seat next to me.

"Please enlighten us Caspar. Oh and you owe me an apology for breaking your promise." Eila says with her eyebrows raised. Caspar makes eye contact with her in the rearview mirror and he looks very guilty.

"I'm actually really glad he broke that promise..." Says Laura as she hooks her fingers around Caspar's free hand. I smile at the sight that I thought I would never witness again. We are now speeding down a motorway and a nice flow of air is circulating the car. Buildings fly past the windows and everything in this city just looks so vibrant and alive, from the swaying palm trees to the colourful murals painted on the sides of buildings. I sneak a glance at Eila who is also looking out the window, her hair floating around her head in the wind. I imagine the two of us living in this city in a beachside apartment - things would be so different, but by the looks of things Caspar and Laura are very happy living here.

"God, where to start..." Caspar says in response to Eila. "Well, did Joe tell you we've been living with Tyler? Yeah, he has a spare room in his apartment. It's been brilliant - Tyler's been showing us the sights, and we go clubbing nearly every night. I know that makes it sound like we're on holiday but the fact is we're still actively trying to convince Laura's parents that I'm right for her and that she should come back to London with me. It's a hell of a task." Caspar says as he glances at Laura. She nods solemnly, her eyes fixed on their intertwined hands.

"And so Tyler didn't mind having two extra people living with him? Not to mention the messiest guy I know?" I say with a cheeky grin on my face.

I can tell Caspar wants to reach back and punch me but he doesn't want to risk crashing the car. "Actually, Tyler always tells us to 'get the fuck out and sleep on the street' but he's just playing around. The dude loves us."

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