Chapter 8

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Eila's POV

I stand outside their door, my heart fluttering slightly. Today must be filming day - why else would he ask me round?

Since I knew I'd be on camera, I paid special attention to my hair and makeup today - I went for a fishtail braid to the side and a natural (but slightly heavier) makeup look. My lips are coated in my favorite shimmer.

I'm wearing a bright, patterned crop top that I hope will show up nicely on camera. I'm also wearing some denim shorts that are slightly ripped to add character. As for jewelry, I'm wearing some silver bangles and a long silver necklace with various charms attached.

Joe finally opens the door, smiling widely. His attractiveness never fails to shock me - and I have to stop myself from doing a double take.

His jaw drops slightly. "Ok, you look so hot." As soon as the words leave his mouth his cheeks burn red. "I mean, Morning beautiful..." He tries to correct himself.

I start laughing at his clear embarrassment. "Joe, I really don't mind if you call me hot, it's really quite flattering!" His eyes are raking my body, and it makes me feel a buzz of excitement.

"Come inside, we have much to do." He jokes as he leads me into the lounge area. Caspars on the couch and he glances up as we enter. He does a double take as he spots me - "Damn girl, you look fine!" He grins and winks at me. Joe puts on a grumpy face and walks over to the couch to whack the back of his head.

"I made a special effort because I assumed we'll be filming today...?" I let my sentence trail off, hoping that Joe already told Caspar.

Joe looks at me, his eyes warm. "You're exactly right." I smile back at him, eyes locked in his gaze.

"Please, spare me." Caspar says as he makes vomit noises.

"Piss off mate!" Joe slaps him on the back of his head again. "I was being serious when I said we have alot to do - this is going to require some extra work than usual."

"I'm prepared for anything. I just want people to hear you sing." I grin with anticipation.

The next hour or so is spent setting up the film equipment and back drop. We decide to do it in Joe's normal place - his bedroom. Caspar lets us use his microphone and we adjust both his and Joe's in a suitable position.

When everything is ready to go, Joe chuckles slightly. "You know, I just had an idea - I can play the guitar!"

Caspar and I look at eachother and then at Joe, shocked. "Is there anything you can't do?" I ask, my hand on my hip.

Joe rolls his eyes - "Plenty of things." He then walks over to his cupboard. Inside is a large guitar case and an array of other props.

Joe opens the case and pulls out a beautiful guitar. "I got this boy when I was 10, played till I was about 18 and haven't played since. I hope I still can..." He picks it up and starts strumming a beautiful melody.

Caspar clears his throat. "Well that answers THAT question. You can't play for shit." I burst out laughing and shove Caspar.

"Don't listen to him Joe, it sounds beautiful! Do you actually know how to play our song?"

"No, but I've listened to it hundreds of times - I think I can figure it out." He has a deep set look of concentration on his face as he tries different chords. To help him out I start singing the beginning of the song.

He looks up at me and smiles, nodding in time to the words. In what feels like no time at all, he's figured out the chords and strumming, so it sounds just like the song.

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Where stories live. Discover now