Chapter 3

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Joes POV

I hear the door shut with a tiny bit of force as Eila leaves the apartment. I realise that I've probably made her feel very confused and angry - and I pray to god that I havent messed things up.

"Joe, I'm being serious now - Do you actually like Eila?" Caspar is looking at me intensely from the kitchen counter, and I squirm under his gaze.

"No, I don't actually... She's a nice girl..." My voice trails off pathetically as I stare longingly in the direction of the door.

"A nice girl? Joe, she's sexy as fuck. I'm going to be honest with you, if you don't hit her up I think I will..." Caspar is saying it in a joking tone of voice, but I know that he's actually considering what he said.

"Go ahead man..." I say tiredly, inwardly kicking myself for being such a pushover. I know inside that Eila is beautiful, funny, smart and she guves me butterflies everytime she looks my way. But when I think about the kiss I feel like it's something that shouldn't of happened, or it happened far too soon. I don't want to take advantage of her - it isn't just her looks that attract me, it's her sparkling personality. I really want to get to know her. I guess I'm just not ready to let Caspar or anyone else know.

"I'm off to bed mate - it's already midnight." I say as I leave the warmth of the couch, where not minutes ago I had held Eila so tight. My heart flutters as I think back to that precious moment.

"G'night Joe. I know you'll be dreaming about Eila..." Caspar teases as I leave the room. I casually flip him off but don't counteract his statement - because I know that he's probably right.

Eilas POV

Back in my own flat, I flop down onto the couch and begin to laugh manically. I JUST MADE OUT WITH JOSEPH SUGG! Even though I still felt slightly irked that Joe hadn't wanted to tell Caspar, I push the thought away and let pure, strong happiness flow into me. I touch my lips slightly, imagining the feel of his on my own and his arms holding me tight. It's all I can do not to scream aloud with excitement.

As much as I want to revel in my new found bliss for the entire night, I decide to get some sleep. It's been an extremely eventful day - my dreams came true, as cheesey as that sounds.

Getting changed out of my clothes, I busy myself with bedtime preparations. It feels so amazing to have a bathroom that isnt cramped like the hotel, with a full sized bath and luxurious shower. When I finally climb into the crisp bed sheets, I reach for my phone and go straight on twitter.

The first thing I see is a selfie of me, Caspar and Joe pulling our most crazy faces. I laugh aloud and read the tweet by Caspar: "The Sugg and I met our new neighbour today - she is awesome!" The photo already has 10,000 likes, and I literally do a double take when I see that Zoella has replied saying: "Can't wait to meet her when I come up to London!" I'm finding it slightly difficult to breathe as I process how amazing this entire situation is. That girl can't be me, standing next to 2 super popular youtube celebrities who happen to be my good friends already! Well, maybe a bit more than good friends... My mind is then totally clouded over with Joe, and I proceed to go on tumblr to stalk fan blogs and watch gifs of him shirtless. I feel a tinge of guilty pleasure, knowing that I just ran my hands over those perfectly sculpted abs.

A short while later I switch off my phone and lie in bed, my mind filled with images of Joe. Blissfuly happy, I start to drift off slowly. I know without a doubt that tomorrow is going to be another exceptional day - especially if it involves him.

The next day I rise bright and early, the watery London sun shining through my blinds. The sun feels nice on my face, and I stay cuddled in my warm cacoon for quite some time before finally getting out of bed. It feels strange to know that yesterday wasn't a dream - it was real, fresh and I remember every second of it. I refrain from letting Joe enter my mind - I know if I do, I'll never get anything done.

After getting dressed and applying my daily skincare and makeup, I carry on to make myself some delicious waffles for breakfast - my all time favourite. Soon enough they dissappear, and the gap in my stomach is filled. Before I can get drawn back into the addictive world of the internet, I grab my handbag and head out the door. I need to get a few things done in London, and today is a perfect day to do it.

Once again the streets of London are bustling, the city alive with the fresh morning vibe. A muticoloured blanket of cars and buses crawls over the road at a steady pace, and I hear the dinging of shop bells as people enter countless stores. My senses are overwhelmed - smells, sights, sounds - it makes me feel like a peice of very diverse puzzle. Small, unoticeable, but important all the same.

I get everything I need to do done. My arms are loaded with groceries and a meeting with the dean of the University is still fresh in my mind. He seemed very pleased to see me - he informed me that often students of my 'acedemic stature' originate from little old New Zealand, and I felt overwhelmingly proud. I'm planning to study Economics, something that I feel would open up ample career pathways in the future. I'm positively buzzing when I get back to the apartment. Life couldn't be more great.

Joes POV

I literally can't stop thinking about her - all throughout this morning she's been the only thing on my mind. Even though I have to film today, it's like I can't think straight with her clouding my thoughts.

I decide to film at around lunchtime, hoping to make use of the rare London sun. I don't have anything particularly special planned - a Q&A will have to do for Sugg Sunday (which has already been, I was just too unorganised to get it done). I'm just too distracted for anything else. I head over to my bedroom to film, but before I can get there Caspar calls out to me.

"Joe, have you seen Eila today?" Caspar sounds a little bit hopeful, and this sparks a tinge of rivalry within me.

"No, why would I have? Got a crush have we?" I call to Caspar, who is lying on his bed in the room next door.

"Joe, you're the one who was staring at her like there was no tomorrow. I swear sometimes you act like a 12 year old boy around girls. Maybe I do have a little crush, but I thought you weren't interested?" Caspar has now got up from his bed and left his room. Before I know it he's standing outside his door and looking me staight in the eyes.

"Look man, I really don't give a toss whether you like her or not. If you'll excuse me I have to film a video." Immediately after the words leave my mouth I regret them, but I still walk into my room and slam the door behind me. I hear Caspar softly tread back to his room and I know I was a bit too harsh on him. I just feel so confused right now - I need to take some time to figure out what the hell to do with this situation. I do know one thing for certain - I need to talk to her again.


Looks like things between Joe and Caspar are starting to heat up!

This chapter was just a little bit of alone time for Joe and Eila, but don't worry, things will start to happen fairly soon.

If you've read this and enjoyed it please leave a vote - it helps so much. I also welcome any feedback. I really hope I start to get more reads soon, it's really exciting to think that people are reading what I write!

Adios mi amigos! xx

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