Chapter 20

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Instead of knocking on the door like usual, I decide to jokingly walk right into the Jaspar household as if I own the place. However, when I walk into the hall I get a huge surprise. Zoe and Alfie are here! ZALFIE!!! Zoe runs up to me and embraces me like an old friend, even though I only saw her a week ago.

"Eila! I missed you!" I feel warm and fuzzy inside, Zoe is so damn nice. I hug her back.

"I missed you too! It's so good to see you again, sober this time..." I joke, pulling away from our hug. I hear Aflie chuckle as he comes up to give me a quick squeeze.

"I forgot how funny you are!" Alfie says.

"Allright, alright, it's my turn." Joe pushes his way through Zoe and Alfie until he reaches me. Unexpectedly he picks me up by the waist, lifting me off the ground so I squeal. "Light as a feather!" He says as I wrap my legs around his waist and loop my arms around his neck. I laugh as he whirls me around, then slowly slides me downwards until I'm once again standing. He then gives me a quick kiss on the lips - much to the dismay of Zoe.

"Eeeew! We don't wanna see that!" Zoe squeals. Just as she says this Alfie circles his arms around her waist and squeezes her tight. She bursts into a fit of giggles - I have an overload of feels as I watch the two of them.

Caspar doesn't appear to be in the room, and I'm glad because he would definitely be giving me crap right now.

"Caspars out with some mates - won't be back till later." Joe explains to me before gesturing towards Zoe and Alfie. "So now I'm stuck with these two..."

I grin as Zoe shoves Joe backwards slightly. I can tell Joe didn't actually budge because of Zoe - it was all him.

"I thought we could play a game... A very fun game..." Alfie suggests in an almost creepy tone of voice. Zoe looks at him with mock concern on her face.

"That could be taken the wrong way..." I grimace at Alfie.

Joe chuckles and shakes his head. He's still standing next to me, and theres almost a crackling between us in this proximity. I wonder if Zoe and Alfie have this kind of chemistry.

Alfie laughs and reaches into his bag. To my delight he pulls out a small black box labeled 'Cards Against Humanity.' I grin wickedly at Joe. This is going to be fun alright - with my dirty mind and dry sense of humour, this game is perfect for me.

My stomach is aching from laughing too much - this game really is the devils creation and I love it. Joe, Zoe and Alfie are also red in the face from laughing - and Alfie has his vlogging camera out, filming us. I made sure to remove myself from Joe's lap while he filmed, much to my disappointment. It had felt very nice, especially with his arms circled loosely around me.

I can't wait until the internet knows about Joe and I, then we can be open... My train of thought trails off as I remember that picture of us on tumblr. If I try to visualize the photo I remember my face isn't totally in veiw, but I know if someone looks hard enough they will be able to see the similarities. Stupid stalkers.

Alfie turns off his camera and thankfully Joe pulls me straight back onto his lap. Back into his strong, comforting arms.

Joe's POV

Oh god. She's sitting on my lap - and it feels like heaven. If my sister and her boyfriend weren't here right now I would probably turn her around and snog her. This is all new to us - this whole 'couple' thing, and I'm still trying to cope with the rising chemistry between us. Sometimes I find it hard to resist - like now for instance, when her ass is crushing my 'area' in the nicest way possible.

I try not to focus on that, knowing that soon she will be able to feel my 'fustration', and if she calls me out that would be mortifying. But somehow I know she wouldn't do that. Zoe is sitting in Alfies lap as well, her deal of cards spread out in her hands. We're working as teams of two in this dreadful but entertaining game. My mouth and stomach are sore from smiling and laughing.

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Where stories live. Discover now