En Garde

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"Bravo!" Gloria shouted as Manny, once again, scored another hit. The rest of the family cheered aswell.

"Yes! Go Manny! You got this!" Jackie shouted as her step uncle landed another hit. He was easily the best fencer in the room.

"Bravo!" Gloria cheered aswell.

Manny continued landing hit after hit. The rest of the family continued cheering and clapping, Gloria and Jackie being the loudest.

Jackie loved sport, it didn't matter what kind or if she understood the rules or not, she had just always found it really fun to watch and play.

The team spirit, the energy you get when the team you're rooting for wins. She loved it, every single bit of it.

"Did you know that fencing goes back to the 12th century?" Alex asked her siblings.

Haley didn't even look up from her phone.
"You know what's even nerdier than fencing? Knowing when it began" She said uninterested.

"I don't think you're a nerd Alex" Luke tried.

"Shut up, dork" Alex snapped.

"Do you have to argue right now?" Jackie asked as she looked at her siblings.

"Yes!" They answered in unison making Jackie roll her eyes and sigh heavily. She stood up and walked over to sit next to Gloria instead.

"Alright that's my boy!" Jay shouted, recieving a glare from Mitchell.

Jackie, who was usually very observant, didn't notice this glare as she was to busy cheering loudly.

"¡Ai mi tigre!" Gloria exclaimed as she jumped up pulling Claire into a tight hug, jumping around a bit.

"Oh I'm sorry" Gloria apologized to Phil miss understanding the look on his face.

"Oh no, it's okay" Phil reasured her.

Jackie shook her head.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Jay said in amazement throwing his arm around Phil.

Phil tried to hide his pain when punched him in the arm.

"I used to go to my friends houses and see their kid's trophies, it bugged me. I never had a trophy in my home" Jay continued. "Until this one" he said grabbing Gloria.

Jay elbowed Phil in the ribs without realizing it which resulted in Phil asking Claire if they could trade places.


"Cam, people are starring" Mitchell said, sounding a bit irritated.

"Cam, what are you doing?" Jackie asked as her uncle ran on the sideline, filming Manny.

"I'm shooting a home film" he answered her while panting.

"Wait, wait, wait! Turn it to me!" She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.

Cam did as he was told and turned the camera towards Jackie.

"Hello, my name is Jackie Dunphy, I'm a 17 year old girl living in the suburban parts of LA." She began in a reporter like voice with a big, bright smile on her lips. "Today I'm here with my family watching my 11 year old step uncle fence."

"It's a long story" She added.

"Enough! Enough" Mitchell told Cam and Jackie. "People are starring"

Cam amd Jackie gave each other a look.

"We'll do some sort of interview later, because you are really good at this" Cam whispered then he went back to where he was sitting before.


Jackie Dunphy Where stories live. Discover now