Heaven and hell, two sides of a coin.

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Velvet never thought he was a spiritual cookie, but in the name of all that was holy, he prays someone will save him. 

Cake crumbs litter the ground, the cries of his brethren going unheard by the sister's ears as she clears his home of the stain that is his race. He was baked alongside them, and he will forever stand by them. So as she points her bow at another victim, he dives in.

The arrow priced through his shoulder, jam gushing out in bursts as he screams in agony. His brothers look on in horror.

Everything slows down as the ringing starts in his ears. He sees Chiffon, oh sweet Chiffon, come over and lie on the ground with him as jam pools beneath them. 

Pastry approaches them, bow loaded once more. "You are pathetic. Rise, fowl creature, and fight me if you are truly a cookie of dignity," She spat, standing her ground. The howls of his injured brothers echo through the maze of desserts.

He lifted his head as he holds the knife in hand and sways on his feet. Velvet feels vomit churn in his stomach, pain making his vision blur. "You... may win this battle. But never dare think you have won this war, peasant." 

And then he leaps forward, slashing with all his might, images of his brothers flashing through his mind. Rage makes his bleeding dough move as the red stains all he touches.

The light of their gods consumes them both.

Cookies of darkness: oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now