Sweet frosting

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Ok so here we have mother of all cake hounds let's go

No ones POV:
Red velvet knocked the second to last person in your team out leaving you left he just sat there as you also did just having a silent conversation with your eyes pleading to live he didn't attack anyway he sat there you decided to throw an attack but he didn't fight back

He just took it "what the hell is wrong with you?! Are you immune to pain or something?!" He shook his head no and still sat there until a cakehound pranced up to him and flipped upside down at his feet demanding belly rubs he bent down and complied petting the cakehounds belly as it moved back and fourth in enjoyment

You were shocked at how un-hostile the hound was to you it even came up to you wanting pets as you complied petting the very soft and fluffy cakehound, "this is similar to petting werewolf" he glanced up and you finally heard him "you've pet werewolf? I thought he'd be like 'no no don't pet me I could've hurt you!' Or something" you laughed

"He's actually kind of hard to convince that he won't hurt you but the moment you pet him it's instant dog mode with him acting all adorable, he sadly only does this in private but it's sooo cute!" You pulled out your phone and showed an image you got of him

Red velvet screamed "WHAAAA YOU EVEN GOT AN IMAGE?! Just how good at convincing are you?" You smirked slyly "I can show you" You then discussed on how dark enchantress is bad and why he shouldn't trust her even siting evidence

He nodded and looked down contemplating what to do he finally came to a decision "so if I join with you can I bring the rest of them besides pomegranate?" You nodded "I can convince everyone how good they can be and give some good guy tasks to prove it!" He nodded

So now you guys were pulling a heist while you carried licorice (who was NOT surprisingly light) and velvet handled the kids holding them with his cake arm pmc just chilled there while crepe was more of a clingy type dark choco just came along willingly that and theytr too heavy for either of you to pick up

Not that theyre fat or anything cause they're they're just fucking muscular from the past of being a prince and is probably faster then you both so what you two did is convince him to pick you guys up and run at the same speed

Here ya go red velvet, Feed my children feed, speaking of red velvet I should really get around to doing that soon also part two of the "sweet as sugar" one

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