Running buddies

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(Gingerbrave needs some more appreciation after all he's the main character pretty much sure his ovenbreak design is eh but he's very cute in kingdom now I shall make you feel bad for him with my skills)

No ones POV:

You were out running Aaron's again when you saw gingerbrave being bullied again this was the.. at this point you lost track of how many times the others bullied him , every other day pretty much he had bandages not just from running but also from being kicked,pushed or even bitten (as weird as some were)

You grabbed a rock and tossed it at the Kids getting head shots as they ran away screaming you walked up to the sobbing gingerbrave and hugged him he clung onto you as others had gave weird looks to you two

You had to continue running Arron's so you gave gingerbrave a piggy back ride whilst you continued your Arron's eventually you had finished and you walked back to your house putting the stuff away you bandages up gingerbrave wounds after disinfecting them

He hung out in your backyard running around and also climbing some stuff you had set up a mini obstacle course that you changed every so often so gingerbrave would be able to stay strong and fast eventually he came back in and you gave him some food

After all you were his sibling of course you'd care for the cute small ginger haired child that loved running and sometimes didn't know when to stop running he barely slept because he loved running so much but as his older sibling you had to make sure he slept so you put a key chain lock far up on both doors far enough so that the child couldn't reach it and get outside thus forcing sleep

He loved running shoes any other kind weren't fun or weren't comfy to him he loved them so much that he had more of shoes then clothes you had always gotten him whatever you could majority of his wish list was shoes or knee/elbow pads even bandages too it was kinda sad but true

A couple of times he had you run with him as much as you hated running you obliged and joined him when he asked you to, this time you guys were some kid tripped him and gave him nasty scrapes and even sprained his wrist you were genuinely pissed off to say the least chasing the kid down and throwing him almost across the kingdom

You had picked the sobbing gingerbrave up running as he protested slightly but bushes up when his adrenaline wore off and the pain hit him like a train hitting a car you rushed inside bandaging up the poor boy and set him on the couch to let him watch whatever was on

Eventually the question you knew very well arose "can we.. possibly cuddle?" It was a common question he knew the answer but always seemed scared to ask you nodded and hopped onto the couch letting him crawl into your lap and snuggle up to you

You've always loved your sweet little brother and you'd never trade anything you just need him and him only he was what made you happy  but that happiness came to an end when you one day were out looking for him

He somehow got out and that worried you when you arrived at an alleyway what you saw was the worst possible thing x10 what you saw was your little brother gingerbrave sure but almost unrecognizable at how he looked in his state

His hair had clumps of dried blood in it, his usual bright blue eyes lost their spark and were dull now, his arm was twisted in ways that would be have to be amputated, and worst of all was his face, his face was all broken and busted while he sat sobbing covered in blood and dirt

You ran to him and hugged him you were crying too so many thoughts were running through your mind "what did he do to deserve this he's a little kid, who did this and why, would you ever find the person?' You ran to the nearest hospital you could find basically screaming you needed help

They almost refused seeing who the kid was when you fought back slamming the desk attendants head into the desk repeatedly until they said they would admit him and at last he got his treatment he was ok and after a while you took him home cleaning him up and giving him some food

At last he kept his arm how? He had no idea he woke up and he had a new arm but let me tell you a secret he failed to notice that you had kept wearing long sleeved outfits and the gloves on one of your hands you had given up your arm to him after all you'd do anything for him

Unexpected turn much hm? Well hope my skills made you actually feel bad for the little ginger child that rules over you

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