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Thanks, @ghostiant for thinking up the idea with me!

Y/n groaned as she got her -1'2 body out of bed. She looked in the mirror and stared into her blue orbs. She didn't own makeup because she was naturally beautiful and wasn't like other girls because she was 🤩😂😜🤪🥺quirky🤩😂😜🤪🥺. She brushed her 73-inch long blond hair and pulled it into a messy bun on the top of her head. She then went into her huge walk-in closet and picked out her quirkiest, not-like-other-girls outfit, a bright blue shirt with a white one over it. She grabbed a chunky mustard-colored skirt and threw some jeans on under it. When she looked in the mirror, she threw herself against it in disbelief. Her white shirt had pink letters on it. She banged her -1'2 frame against the mirror before grabbing white-out to white out the pink and a black sharpie and scribbling"dA bOyS" on it to show every girly girl that she wasn't like other girls, she was part of the boys. Then she looked at herself in the mirror. She had a voluptuous body and tiny feet which adorned red Lightning McQueen rainboots. She did some quirky finger guns in the mirror then felt the urge. 

She went to the bathroom and took a minuscule shit, then flushed and washed her hands, singing Daniel Tigers Bathroom song. 

She heard her ugly, unquirky mom call her from the living room, "Y/n! The bus is almost here!" 

"UGH, MOM JUST GO AWAY YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY QUIRKY NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS LIFE JUST FUCK OFF YOU UGLY JUST-LIKE-OTHER-GIRLS MOM" Y/n shouted back, then burst into tears and flung herself against the mirror one last time and then daintily stomped downstairs. 

She ran out of the house and climbed on the bus. She would show her. "To the mall," She said sassily to the bus driver. 

"This is going to school," The unquirky bus driver said and y/n stomped her dainty foot. Then she got ahold of herself. She wouldn't throw a fit like all the other dramatic girls. So she sassily walked away and as soon as she felt the bus move, she flung herself out the window. 

Then she grew wings because she was 0.192429753883893 part volcra and she swooped down and ate part of the sign to a girly-girl boutique with her volcra sharp teeth because that boutique was too girly and she was part of the boys. Then she ate part of a tree that tickled her foot. 

She arrived at the mall and her volcra form disappeared to reveal her -1'2 body. She went into the mall and walked around like a main character blasting "All Girls Are the Same" in her earbuds. She walked by two girls kissing on a bench and started screaming in fear. She fainted in the middle of the mall. 

When she woke up she was staring into the sexy soft boi uwu orange and yellow hairy face of The Lorax. His fingers, long, crusty, and curled gently caressed her face. She could smell his glorious stench of not having bathed for days but underneath it all, she could smell the faint scent of 3 in 1 shampoo. "Are you okay, kitten?" He asked gently, just like the soft boi he was. 

"Y-y-y-y-yes I-I-I-I-I-I don't normally faint like that because I'm not like other girls but they were scaring me when they were k-k-k-k-kissing!" At the word "kissing" y/n imagined Lorax's crusty chapped lips on her and it made her blush. 

Lorax smiled at her and led her to a bench on the other side of the mall where they started talking. "That is quite a scare kitten, what happened?"

Y/n took a deep breath and began to tell him her traumatic backstory. "W-w-well when I was a kid, I was friends with this g-g-g-girly g-g-g-g-girl and she told me- she t-t-t-t-told me.... she was gay. I had to stop being friends with her because she probably had a crush on me! Since then I became only part of the boys!" Y/n flipped her hair, then burst into tears. 

The Lorax enveloped her in his fuzzy warmth and ran his long crusty fingers through her hair. "There, there, kitten, it's alright." 

The Lorax held her at arm's length and said seriously, "Kitten, will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/n jumped up and down and started rolling around like a dying cockroach on the floor and then got up and screamed "Yes!" 

The Lorax then looked deep into her orbs and said gravely, "But Kitten, do you too speak for the trees?" 

Y/n trembled under his gaze and then vomited up the tree she ate while in volcra form to show him that she cared about the Earth. He smiled at her and she could see his brown and yellow crooked teeth. They danced and as The Lorax pulled her close into his mess of orange fur, she couldn't help but feel there was a dark side to her new stubby-legged boyfriend. 

Lorax x Reader AU *EMOTIONAL*Where stories live. Discover now