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"What is it?" Lorax demanded as he was being dragged into the hot mafia boss Elmo's basement. Elmo's bodyguards sat him down roughly in a hard chair. They tied his long arms behind the chair and had to use extra rope for his long, crusty, curved, yellow fingernails. 

Elmo banged his red furry fist on the table. "TELL ME WHERE Y/N IS YOU CRUSTY ORANGE MARSUPIAL!!11!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"No," Lorax growls. Then, in a moment of bravery, Lorax looks at him boldly and says, "I am not crusty, I use DOVE SIX IN ONE SHAMPOO"

Elmo, momentarily distracted, asks, "Wait what are the six?" 

Lorax looks at him, a brother in need, and says, "Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, and bug repellent. Use it twice a month and you'll smell just like me!" Lorax flips his head making his yellow moustache wiggle. 

Elmo leans in to sniff Lorax's luxurious matted hair when Lorax punches him in his red furry stomach and stands up because when he was distracting Elmo, the dead cells in his crusty nails had come alive because of the chemicals in his DOVE SIX IN ONE SHAMPOO and severed the ropes all by themselves. Lorax dug around in his fur for the gun he had hidden deep in there. He finally pulled out the gun and cried a little because his uwu soft boi heart hurt when some of his long orange hair got torn out with the gun, leaving a bald spot right on his stomach. 

"GEEEBBBBBBB" Elmo howled as he groaned in pain from uwu soft boi Lorax's punch. Lorax held the gun to Elmo's head when his face suddenly contorted. "AHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAH ELMO LIKES THAT!" He giggled. He quickly composed himself. "Sorry, I'm ticklish. Tickle-Me-Elmo you know?" 

Lorax pressed the gun closer to Elmo's head and growled, "Tickle-Me-Elmo or what, you are not getting my kitten."

Suddenly, Geb came out and Lorax felt a sucking sensation. He looked down and saw nothing, then looked around and saw Geb. He didn't get to take a good look before he was sucked inside, his last thought being his not like other girls kitten.

Lorax x Reader AU *EMOTIONAL*Where stories live. Discover now