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A/N: Sorry for being gone so logn🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 i had to get surgery and then i had to give my dogs best firneds uncles aunts cousins besties sister my eyeballs and then i went to jail because i wanted my eyes back and so i grabbed my eyes out of the dog and but them back in my eyes with superglue but the glue was toxic andmy eyes went disenigrated and now im blind uwu🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but hwre i am with a new chapter!!!!!!🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

The nexct day y/n had to go on a new date with santa who was already married but he was so alpha. she wore her best outfit, a galaxy leggins with a galaxy dhitrt and some low top converse becujase shes not like, other stupid emo girls with regular copnverse. then she threw her beautiful haor into a messy bun. she pujt on. her favorite purple choker around her nek so that santa think s about fucking her.

she went with efife to the spcae musenm and she saw santa waiting for her. "Hello snuffaluffagus you looks so beautiful,. i have the perfect date for us."

"thanks uwu daddhy" y/n said and she jumped into uwju soft daddy gamer boi santa's arm s.

They went into the planetarium snd y/n fet rigjt at home woth all the galaxy print she had on. After they entered the platerium, they looked in the doorway and the babadook appeared in front of them, holding a boel of worms.

"Hey besties" the babadook said, spitting oht bits of earthworms as he talked. "Im here to give you a tour of the planetarium. My best friend and sometimes hookup effie told me you were the stars of the Y/Nlorette!"

"We certainly are and me and my snuffaluffagus are going to win" santa said, his white beard with bits of cookie crumns and drops of milk flowing in the wind of the planetarum.

The babadook showed them all around the planetarium. He was a very good tour guide besides the occassional earthword that he spit out while talkibg.

Y/n had a good time but wasnt feeling the same spark with santa as she did with daddy lorax and his bald belly.

The babadook led them to the best part of the planetarium. The immersive exhibit. They were sourounded by galaxy that matched the galaxy print y/n hsd on her leggings and shirt.

Santa started talking to y/n as the babadook went to the back of the room. "snuffaluffagus, we've had some wondefyl tumes together and this dste has been the highlight of my life. I want you to marry me and have fifteen kids and live in the borth pole and survive on nothing but cookies and milk. And since i'm sixty years old already, wehn i get too old to be santa you can grow a beard and shimmy down chimneys and become the bew santa. Then we can pass on the santa traditions to our children. We'll give them both physica and mental tests and those that dont pass, we'll sacrifice to the gods of the north pole and put their deas bodies in elf suits and they'll sit outside of malls wher unsuspecting children will ask them to meet mall santa. Then the lone child that survives will become my santa heir. Please say yes and let that be our future"

It took a lot of effort for santa to get down on one knee since he was over five hundred pounds and sixty years old.

Y/n looked around mournfully having her main character not like other girls moment. Then she said, "i can not marry you. I would love that future but im not like other girls"

She left the planetarium and the babadook opened the door for her to leave. Then baby effie came in and jumped on top of santa and devoured him. She took extra long on his beard, saving the long strands to use to floss her teeth. Its very hard to eat santa. Theres a lot of fat to chew through.

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