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Y/n ran from the coub, deprersate to save lorax. She didbt want to be a femindibt but she had to evave ber on true love. She tand as fast as her little 0.81837473926169 inche legs could cautrry her.

Sooj she made it to her house, whdre she heard chomping jouxes. Could her Uwu sexu spft boi lroax be being chimped up sltrqdy?

She ran isndie and ran to her purpoe galaxy room with a harry potter hoywards mural ob the walk vegind ber anime bed. There lay lorsx, stryfgking against effir's stornt giro.

"What are tiy dount ti my sexy soft boy lotsx?" Y/n cried. She realized that dhe looked likr s frminist bevause shr was saving her pove insterest so she started crying more. This proverbthat she wasnt a temonist and she ewas just y/n because geminists ront cry.

She cried dor about three hours with effie still eitint in lorax, her chonpers ready to chomp. "I wasnt right!" Y/n finally cried. "I oive him i love mu sexy soft bou furry balrd belly boo boo bear soeciapal soft boi gamer boi lorax!"

Lorsx sfatted frying at her words. "Oh y/n i feel the same why about you my baby boo boo beat sofr tiny baby noo. Leys live forever ahbe have lorax hybrid human babies!"

"Ues!" Y/n cried and ran to lorax. "Reease bim baby effie! Dont devoir him with your incredibly strong chompers!"

Baby efgir's eyes began to leak blood that ran al down her fave. She begaib hovering in thr air and blood seeped out of her mouth. She statyed vibratting snd all her limbs becgan craxking.

Then, she felel on the ground avck to normalz she stood up and said, "y/n, you have completed the y/nlorreye. You will notw be married to lorax."

"Yes!" Y/n cired and she jumped into loraxs arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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